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Jimin hears his alarm blaring in his face; so... he ignores it. The alarm finally stops and Jimin tries to fall asleep again. He hears footsteps coming up towards the bed and groans.

Yoongi laughs, "If you know I'm gonna wake you up anyways, why try?"

"I'm tired..."

"Come on, it's a big day!"

"Don't remind me," Jimin says rolling out of bed.

Today is the first day of exams for Jimin. He has seven in total; two per day for three days, and one on the last day. Jimin's been studying like crazy, trying best to ignore Yoongi's comments about taking a break. Jimin's very nervous and he is starting with his English exam since the exams go in order of the classes they have.

Jimin finishes getting ready and trudges down the stairs to eat breakfast.

"You made breakfast?" Jimin questions.

"Yeah, I want you to be full for when you write!"

"So caring..." Jimin smiles and kisses Yoongi.

Jimin eats the food that Yoongi prepared. Once done he rinses his bowl and grabs his school bag.

"Ready?" Yoongi asks.


"Trust yourself, you'll do amazing, you always do," the two get into the car to drive to the school.

"You know the other teachers love you?"

"They do?"

"Mhm, I always hear them talking about 'Park Jimin' and how his grades are so high and he's the best student ever," Yoongi mocks the other teachers.

They arrive at the school and Jimin and Yoongi go their separate ways. Jimin walks to go meet Jin in the cafeteria.

"Hey," waves to Jin and Namjoon sitting together at their normal lunch table.

"Heya, you ready for today?"

"God no, I'm so nervous!"

"Jimin calm down you'll be fine, you always do way better than everyone else in your classes..."

"Hmf, whatever," Jimin huffs, " Oh Namjoon, I never got to congratulate you!"

"There's no need, it's just extra work," Namjoon smiles.

Namjoon was picked to be their graduating classes valedictorian. Namjoon has to go up in front of everyone at graduation and present a speech that he wrote.

"Honestly you would have been a good fit for it too, Jimin," the latter says.

"Me? Nooo way."

"I mean these last months have been crazy for you, it's a good learning experience for everyone."

"Joon, Jimin's not gonna go up in front of the whole school and talk about that."

"Yeah yeah," Joon says and looks at his watch.

"Almost time, I'll see you guys later?"

"I don't wanna go~" Jimin whines.

Namjoon pats the youngers head and kisses his boyfriend goodbye before walking away.

"C'mon Jimin it'll be quick and painless,"

"Eww you sound like a Doctor."

"Good that's extra practice for me then."


"I hated that!" Taehyung says as all five of his other friends walk with him to Hoseok house.

"I know right!? Some of those questions weren't even in the notes!" Jungkook practically screams.

"I'm gonna fail and I can't graduate," Taehyung fake cries.

"How'd you find it Jimin?" Hoseok asks, joining in.

"Ehh it was pretty easy," he says hearing groans from his two younger friends.

"How?! Jimin you are literally a superhuman," Taehyung states.

"Um definitely not..."

The six boys arrive at Hoseok's house and the latter unlocks the door.

"Hello?" Hoseok calls out to the empty house.

"No ones home!" Taehyung cheers and walks in.

"Hey Taehyung remember last time you were here?" Hoseok asks.

"Yeah! That was- uh, never mind..." Taehyung mumbles.

"I heard that!" Jin says.

"Heard what?" Taehyung's airy voice echos in the house.

"Wait when were you over here last Taehyung?" Jimin asks.

"Yesterday..." Hoseok laughs.

"He's so shy~" Hoseok goes over and kisses his boyfriends cheek.

"Gag," Seokjin says walking further into the house.

"Oh please, come one Hyung I bet you're worse with Namjoon hyung!" Hoseok says, getting an eye roll in return.

"Anyway," Jimin interrupts, "what should we do?! We haven't hung out all together in so long!"

"We could go through Hoseok's basement and find something to do?!" Jungkook asks.

"Yeah! Let's go!" Taehyung screams as the two youngest run down one of the hallways with Hoseok chasing them.

Jimin laughs at his stupid friends, grateful to have them. Maybe everything is gonna be okay after all.

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