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Jimin is trying to fake sleep. Well, it's not that hard, he was born to be a couch potato.

"Come on Jimin we don't have all day," his mother says patting his back.

"I don't wanna go," he complains.

"Well you are so hurry up!" He hears his mother walk out of his room. Jimin get up and trudges over to his closet to pick out clothes.

Today was a parent-teacher interview. Where parents get to meet with the teachers and talk about their child. Normally they hold them at the beginning of the school year, but a Jimin school like to have them also at the end of the year as well.

So here he is, being dragged to school on the Friday he was suppose to get off. It will probably take only an hour but that is a valuable hour of doing nothing, wasted.

He puts on a puffy jumper that makes him want to crawl back in bed. Then he adds some comfy joggers. Jimin's been taking more precaution with clothes now, now that his stomach has been getting bigger everyday.

He trudges down stairs and follows his parents out the door into their car.


The drive only took about ten minutes and then he was being dragged into the school by his mother. There were only four of his seven teachers available to talk that day; Mrs. Lee, his English teacher, Mr. Wong, his math teacher, Mr. Kang his science teacher. Then the one and only, Mr. Min, his music teacher.

Jimin was stressing hardcore for that meeting. His parents somehow don't know yet about him being pregnant and know there coming face to face with the person who got him pregnant.

The other three meetings felt long but also short, if possible. They went in order of the classes Jimin has, starting from the morning to afternoon. All of the teachers pretty much said the same thing:

'Very hard working!'

'Really smart!'

'Always on task'

'No problem with his grades'

Jimin always liked to try hard in school, being one of the top in his school, other than Namjoon. As Jimin sits there day dreaming he sees his parent stand up and shake Mr. Kang's hand. They walk out the class with Jimin tailing them.

"Alright one more to go!"

"I will say Jimin I am very impressed so far!" Jimin's parents say walking down the very familiar hallway.

The get near the door to the music classroom. Jimin sees another parent duo and student leave the class. He also Sees Yoongi come out, seeing them off, and boy did he look good.

Yoongi was dressed in a nice black dress shirt tucked into his black pants.

"Ah hello, please come in," Yoongi greets Jimin's parents. They go sit down in the class, three chairs facing the teacher's.

"We're hear for Park Jimin," Jimin's mother says.

"Ah yes," Yoongi smiles and pulls out a sheet of paper and sets it infront of them.

"He definitely has a passion for music," Yoongi snickers.

"Yes, he's said how much he loves this class," Mrs. Park states.

"Really? I'm glad to hear that," Yoongi laughs.

Jimin though he was going crazy. Was he the only one who felt weird? How was Yoongi talking like this was nothing. He watches as Yoongi turns his head and looks in his direction. His cheeks heat up from being stared at.

"Wow, these marks are impressive," Jimin's father says.

Yoongi turns back to the parents, "Yes, highest in the class. Definitely a shot at an academic award at the end of the year," he chuckles.

"I'm so proud of you Jiminie!" Mrs.Park hugs her son.

"Eomma stop," Jimin whines. She lets go and stands up, her husband following.

"Well I suppose that's it for today," She says.

"Thank you so much for coming in," Yoongi responds.

"We'll be going now. It was nice seeing you, I know how much Jimin's gonna miss your teaching." Yoongi laughs in response, as Jimin turns beet red.

"Well next time we meet will be...graduation?" Yoongi questions.

"Ah yes, see you then!" Jimin's parents walk off down the hallway.

Yoongi and Jimin continue to stare at each other. Jimin then starts slowly backing away before completely walking out of the class and catching up with his parents.

"Wow Jiminie, I'm so proud!" Mrs. Park exclaims.

"Heh thanks."

"What were you thinking about school, you know after graduation?" Mr.Park asks.

"Oh, I'm not sure, I know I'm late but, it's so hard."

"I'm thinking about online school," Jimin states.

"Why?!" Jimin's mother asks.

"Just easier, in the long run."

"Well if that's what you really want."

"Yep, I know what I'm doing," the younger smiles.

Teacher| m.y.g x p.j.m [Mpreg]Where stories live. Discover now