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Jimin is currently in the bathroom at school, scared out of his mind.

Today is the day that his whole music class is presenting their songs to each other for part of their final mark. Jimin's been preparing for the past couple days. Yet here he is, in the bathroom with Seokjin and Taehyung, not wanting to go back to class.

"C'mon Jimin we have to go," Jin says.

"No..." the younger wines.

"What's so scary about it, you've been preparing for this so much, you know you're gonna do amazing."

"Plus it's Mr.Min grading you..." Taehyung adds, winking.

"Just take a deep breath," Seokjin advises.

Jimin complies, taking a slow deep breath.

"It's not working!"

"Jimin you'll be fine, you love music, you're a great singer...so what are you afraid of?"

"I'm not doing the singing anymore...I changed my mind."

"What, why?" Jin asks, getting a shrug in response.

"Is he being... Homonal?" Taehyung asks the eldest.

"Hormonal, and I'm not sure."

"Can we just so back to class please, before the presentations start."

"What if I'm picked first?!" Jimin whines.

"I doubt it, let's go," Jin practically drags Jimin back to class right before the bell rings to start class.

They head up the rows and sit down in their seats next to Hoseok and Jungkook. A couple seconds later Yoongi walks in.

"Hello class; I assume you all know what day it is today."

"Friday," a kid named Johnny shouts from the top row.

"Very funny...today you'll be presenting your songs that you created. I will be picking at random to present. If you have not finished and you are picked you have to present none the less, so start praying." Yoongi says sternly.

Jin looks over and sees Jimin start panicking.

"Jimin calm down you finished your song and reviewed it so many times..." Jin whispers.

"Seokjin? Are you volunteering?" Jin turns his head and notices Yoongi looking at him.

"Aha well um...sure?"  Yoongi gestured for him to come up at the front.

"I'm sorry Hyung! It's all my fault," Jimin whisper-yells.

Jin just shrugs him off and walks down the levels and sits in front of the piano right near the teachers desk. Yoongi gets all of his things together and sits at his desk.

"Okay, what is the title of your song?" Yoongi asks.


"Okay, you may begin whenever."

Jin gets prepared and starts pressing the keys on the piano. One by one the sound comes out of the piano as Jin gracefully glides his fingers across the piano. He goes on for a couple minutes before slowing down and coming to a complete stop, finishing his song.

Everyone claps for Jin as he stands up and retreats back to his seat. Yoongi finishes writing stuff down on his papers before looking at the list of people to play their piece.

"Johnny why don't you come down here?" Yoongi says.

Johnny's friends all whoop and pat his back as he gets up and heads down to the front.

"Jin you did amazing! No ones gonna top that!" Jimin says.

"No, you will top that, I guarantee you," Seokjin smiles.


They've gone through a lot of people surprisingly. Not a lot of people made their songs really long. Most of Jimin's friends have gone, except him and Hoseok.

Jungkook went up as one of the first people and played on the piano his song called 'Euphoria'. Taehyung went shortly after playing on the saxophone. His song was called 'Winter Bear' and it was a was a nice break from all the piano songs.

A bunch of other people went pretty much all on the piano, one or two played on the guitar. Jimin's been slowly calming down as time goes on. Listening to the music is actually really calming.

"Jimin?" Jimin perks up and looks towards where his name is coming from, which is Yoongi.


"Are you gonna come down? To present?"

"Me?! Oh um y-yeah..." Jimin slowly gets up and Jin gives him a pat on the back.

"You'll do amazing, take a deep breath and feel the music."

Jimin walks down to the piano and sits on the stool.

"What's the name of the song?"


"Okay...good. Whenever you're ready..."

Jimin nods still glancing at Yoongi. The elder notices and slightly smiles and gestures to take a deep breath.

Jimin breath and puts his hands on the keys and starts pressing them.

He starts playing the songs humming gently and eventually starts singing the lyrics he was supposedly gonna chicken out on.

The beautiful melody resonated throughout the class; which was completely silent. Normally there were small whispers and remarks of other students while someone presented. Jimin continues until slowly coming to an end and taking his hands off the piano.

Soon after Jimin hears the loud claps from his classmates, mostly from Taehyung being a little too loud. Jimin glances over to see Yoongi sneakily giving him a thumbs up. Jimin stands back up and returns to his seat.

"That was awesome!" Taehyung says.


"See told you," Jin says.

"Yeah, yeah," Jimin smiles.

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