•chapter ten•

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This is more of a filler chapter, and it's kind've short, but I will post another soon.

Danielle's POV

For the next couple of days all I did was mope around. The most movement I did was to move from my bed to the couch. I lied to Jacob and told him I was sick with a stomach bug, so he wouldn't suspect anything, but I talked on the phone to Lili and told her everything.

I was snuggled up on the couch with Netflix playing endlessly, when Lili came walking through the door. She took in the pathetic sight of me drowning my sorrows in cookie dough ice cream and watching stupid chick flicks, and looked at me with sympathy.

"What are you doing here?" I asked.

"I came to get you up, girl!" She smiled.

"Please don't make me." I groaned as I buried my head under the blanket.

"Yup, there is a work party on set tonight since we finished filming season six and we're going." Lili said sternly as she pulled me off the couch.

"No way! There is no way in hell, I'm going to face Skeet." I protested.

"Yes you are! You're going to take a shower and we're going to do your makeup and find you a pretty dress to wear!" She exclaimed as she pulled me into the bathroom.

"Fine." I grumbled as I stripped my sweatpants and got into the shower.

Lili kept me entertained as she blabbered on while I massaged the shampoo into my hair.

"You know, I was talking to Naiia, Skeet's daughter, and she said Skeet is acting the same way. Moping around just like you. Of course, I didn't tell her why." Lili gushed.

"He is not, you're kidding right?" I replied, feeling bad for him.

"He is! Naiia came to visit and practically had to drag him out." She responded.

Tears streamed down my cheeks, mixing with the water. I wished I could comfort him, I hated that I did that to him.

"Do you think he'll be there tonight?" I asked nervously as Lili did my makeup.

"Probably, but don't worry because you look gorgeous." She smiled as she gestured to the mirror.

I was wearing a solid black dress that was off the shoulder and hugged my curves just right. I did look good, even though I felt like shit.

"Wow, Lili, you really are amazing with makeup." I exclaimed, amazed at how I no longer had bags under my eyes.

"Thanks, babe. We should probably be leaving."

I grabbed my purse and followed her out the door, filled with dread.

Skeet's POV

I was sitting at a small table in the lounge with Mark, Mädchen, and Marisol when I saw her walk in. She was laughing with Lili and my heart constricted at the sight of her gorgeous smile. All the heat rose to my cheeks as I looked over her outfit, she looked stunning. I watched as her smile faltered when we made eye contact.

"Are you alright, Skeet?" Mädchen asked, snapping me out of my thoughts.

"Oh yeah, it's just a little hot in here." I replied, tugging my leather jacket off.

I took a sip of my drink as I tried not to stare at her. She sat down with Lili, Cole, and KJ and I could tell she was upset too.

Danielle's POV

I faked a smile as I talked with my coworkers. All I could think about was how Skeet was only inches away from me. We were all sitting in a circle, drinking and chatting, but Skeet and I kept making eye contact.

"Listen, Danielle, I support your decision to be with Jacob, but you guys are only hurting each other." Lili said as she gripped my hand.

"I know, Lili. But I just can't let myself go through that." I groaned, looking down at my feet.

"Go through what? Love? I know Skeet, Danielle. He is a great guy, he's not going to hurt you if he really loves you and by the looks of it, he does really love you." She responded, glancing at him from across the room.

"Maybe he does, but that doesn't change our situation."

"That's true, but you can change the situation. You're so unhappy with Jacob, I can see that now. You deserve someone like Skeet." She squeezed my hand.

"Maybe one day I will allow myself to be with him." I whispered, trying not to cry.

"I'm here for you." She soothed.

I smiled at her through watery eyes, I was grateful there was still good people like Lili in the world.

I was getting quite tipsy, trying to forget that Skeet was in the same room as me. We were all laughing and having a great conversation until Skeet spoke up.

"So, Danielle, when is the wedding?" He asked with a coldness in his voice.

He was drunk and just wanted to get under my skin. Everyone went silent when they recognized tension in the air. None of them knew the cause of it, but they couldn't deny the way we were glaring at each other. I decided to play along.

"June 19th. I'll make sure you have a front row seat." I sneered as Lili gripped my shoulder from behind me.

Skeet's face twisted with rage, but he quickly plastered a fake smile on. Our co-workers shared confused glances.

"I would love that. It would be great to see you marry a man who you love so much." He gritted his teeth.

That hurt, I felt it in my heart. As tears filled my eyes, I tried to remember that this man was hurting and drunk. Skeet didn't intentionally hurt me, but it still made me feel like shit. I looked him in the eye and saw his smirk falter as he sobered up a little and realized he had really upset me. I quickly stood up and grabbed my purse, smiling at my friends before walking towards Skeet.

"Fuck you!" I whispered harshly so only he could hear.

I slung the door open and took off my heels as I made my way to my car. I heard the door open behind me, but I didn't care enough to look at who it was. I felt a strong hand grip my wrist and I immediately recognized his touch.

"Danielle, wait.." Skeet growled.

I yanked my hand away from him and turned on my heel to face him. Before I could stop myself my hand connected with his cheek as I slapped him hard, releasing all my feelings on him. He faltered backwards as my hand fell to my side. He looked shocked, but I didn't care. I glared at him with hatred, but oh so much love was behind this mask I wore.

"Don't ever fucking touch me again!" I yelled.

I gripped my car door and threw my stuff in the seat. I slammed my foot on the gas and got the hell out of there.

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