•chapter twenty-two•

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Danielle's POV

My peaceful nap was cut short by the shrill ringing of my cellphone. I sat up, scrambling to find it, in case it was Skeet. He had been in Los Angeles for six days and I was already missing him. The caller ID read "Lili".


"Hey, Danielle. I feel like I haven't talked to you in forever."

"I know, I miss you!" I squealed.

"Well, I'm in Vancouver so why don't we go to the ice cream shop on Main Street?" She suggested.

"I would love to! Let me get dressed real quick and I'll meet you there in 15."

"Kay. See you soon!"

I quickly hung up the phone, rushing to freshen up. I threw on some cut-off jean shorts and a t-shirt, sprayed myself with some perfume, and left for the shop.

When I arrived, I found Lili sitting at a little booth in the corner. She smiled and waved me over, before standing up and giving me a tight squeeze.

"How are you?!" Lili exclaimed as we took our seats.

"I'm pretty good. How are you?"

"I'm fine." She said shortly. "So, fill me in on all the drama." Lili ordered, taking a spoonful of her ice cream.

"Where to start.." I sighed. "Well, first of all, I found out Jacob was cheating so I kicked him out and Skeet and I got together officially."

"He's an idiot, but yay for Skeet." She giggled.

"So, Skeet's been gone for just a week and I already miss him like crazy." I complained.

"Aww, that's the life of an actor, I barely ever get to see Cole."

I nodded, looking down at my belly as I wondered if I should tell her about the baby yet.

"What is it?" Lili asked.

"What is what?"

"You're holding back something, you know you can talk to me Danielle." Lili assured, placing her hand over mine.

"Well, um, when I was in Los Angeles with Skeet we found out.. I'm.. uhh.. pregnant." I stammered.

"Oh my god!" She squealed. "This is so amazing!"

"I know, we're super excited, but don't say anything because we don't want anyone to know yet."

"I promise!"

"But I go back to work in two days." I said, licking the ice cream from the spoon.

"My first day of filming isn't for another week." Lili responded. "But we're all taking a trip to Paris to celebrate the end of the hiatus, you should come with Skeet!"

"I'll have to talk to him about it." I grinned, glad I had made friends with Lili.


It was about five and I was on my way home when I received a text from Skeet.

hey babygirl, do you care to stop by my place and water the plants?

sure thing. miss you baby! ❤️

you'll see me soon enough, i love you!

i love you so much

I quickly made a u-turn and headed for his condo. When I arrived, I pulled the key he gave me out of my purse, but when I turned the doorknob, it was unlocked. That's weird. I rounded the corner, laying my keys on the counter as I nervously glanced around. Filling a cup with water, I poured some into the house plant's pot.

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