• chapter twenty-three •

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Danielle's POV

Skeet had once again left for Los Angeles. I was trying hard to remember that his kids were his #1 priority, but it was rough being without him and to top it all off he hasn't texted or called the whole time. I was becoming increasingly frustrated. The baby's appointment went well, I was 2 months pregnant and the baby was totally healthy. Today was the day we left for Paris though, so I was finally going to get to see Skeet. We decided we would take separate flights and just meet each other at the hotel the cast was staying at. As I walked through the airport and to my flight I placed some earphones in my ears and played some Lana Del Ray. I was struggling to get my suitcase in the overhead compartment until someone tapped my shoulder. I turned around to see a very handsome man standing beside me.

"Do you need some help with that?" He offered.

I smiled and nodded as I handed my suitcase over. He placed it in the compartment with ease and then sat down in the seat beside of mine.

"Thank you. I'm obviously just weak." I giggled.

"No problem, I didn't catch your name though." He gave me a charming smile.

"Oh, I'm Danielle." I held my hand out for him to shake as I sat down.

"Well, it's nice to meet you. I'm Justin." I grasped his hand.

His fingertips lingered on my own a little longer than needed as he gave me a gentle smile. I almost got caught up in the moment, staring into his eyes as his fingers casually caressed my palm, but I quickly realized that I was on the way to see Skeet. I cleared my throat and pulled my hand away.

"So, Justin, where are you headed?" I changed the subject.

"Paris, how about you?" Justin asked.

"The same, actually."

"Well, maybe we'll run into each other again." He winked.

I chuckled nervously and sipped my water. He was definitely flirting with me and a bystander would say I was flirting back, but I just didn't want to be rude.

It was now dark and 6 hours into my flight and I sat quietly, reading a book as everyone else slept. I had texted Skeet and he had finally answered, saying he had been super busy with the kids, but he was thrilled about the baby. However, I still didn't understand why he couldn't have just replied to my previous texts, but I just pushed it to the back of my mind.

As I flipped the pages to my book, every now and then I stole a glance at Justin. He was very clean-shaven and you could definitely tell he had quite a bit of money. He was a nice contrast to what I was usually attracted to, he was more of the good ole boy type, but I reminded myself I was in love with Skeet. It was probably just because I was aggravated with him.

I quickly diverted my concentration from Justin when he shuffled in his sleep. He rubbed his eyes and stretched as he woke up. A couple of minutes passed of me catching him staring at me until he broke the silence.

"Ahh, The Great Gatsby, a classic." He gestured to my book.

"Yeah, it's one of my favorites." I grinned.

He opened his mouth like he was going to say something else, but then shut it again.

"I gotta tell ya.." Justin hesitated. "You're beautiful when you smile."

I blushed 50 shades of red before my smile faltered.

"That's sweet of you, but.. um, I think you'll change your mind when I tell you I'm in a relationship." I explained.

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