Chapter 12: A resignation letter

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Timmy: This is my resignation letter.

She put it down on Nicko’s desk. A moment of silence between the two of them.

Nicko: Is it because of last night?(cold as ice.)

Timmy: I’m going to give myself a vacation. Maybe this is for the best. (faking smiles.)

Nicko: You didn’t answer my question.

Timmy: It was not about last night. Its not always because of you Sir Nicko. Now if you’ll excuse me I’m going to pack my things.

She bowed and left the office. He was stunned. He never see Timmy as cold as this. She was totally bold this time! And it was new to him. This is not the Timmy she knew all these years. The “Timmy” she knew was the girl who can do anything just to be with him, just to satisfy him, just to please him.

Timmy did all her best with her last day of work. She didn’t expect that he will signed her resignation immediately. But she’s still thankful that he accepted her resignation. She look at her wristwatch. “Its already 10 o’clock in the evening. But Nicko is still there in his office. He didn’t even ask me or call me to do something for him. He didn’t even eat the whole day.” Timmy uttering in her mind while looking on the window of his office. She’s still worried about him. She’s looking on him when Nicko caught her staring. She immediately look in somewhere else.
“Oh my god. Did he saw me staring at him? You’re dead Timmy!” Pretending to do anything else in her table.

Nicko saw her looking at him. He don’t know what to think about her resignation but he signed her resignation anyway. He can’t do anything else. He don’t want to eat either.
“Just like that? She will leave just like that? Where did she get that strength to disobey me? She’s not like that. Did someone change her mind? I don’t know what to think.  She’s really bold now. What will I do? I don’t know myself anymore. Why I suddenly have a feelings for her?  I can’t control her anymore and she’s making me angry.”

He stood up and went to her desk. They’re the only one left in the office that night. He grab her hand and drag her to his office.

Nicko: Come here. Let’s talk.

She was surprised when Nicko dragged her to his office. She can’t resist Nicko. She didn’t know why Nicko have a power to take some orders over her.

Nicko: Is that your final decision?

Asking her while still holding her hands. Timmy can’t answer Nicko. She remain silent.

Nicko: Are you going to speak or not?

Timmy still remain silent. She don’t want to answer his question. It’ll be hard for her if she do so. He started to get annoyed.

Nicko: Are you pissing me off?

Nicko grabbing her hand tightly. He still holding her hands and never let it go.

Timmy: Ouch! You’re hurting my hand. Let go of my hand.

Nicko: What do you want me to do just to make you stay?

Timmy: I thought you signed my resignation? Why you’re keep asking me? I just want to be alone. I just want to be free.

Nicko didn’t accept her answer. He hold her hand more tightly.

Nicko: Are you trying to provoke me? Do you want to be my real girlfriend? Is that what you want? Did that thing will make you stay?

Timmy: Ouch! Let go of my hand! It hurts Nicko.(Trying to escape.)

Nicko get close to her and kiss her. He never let go of her hand either. He lifted up her hands and kiss her.

Nicko: Is this you really want Timm? I’m gonna give you this!

And he kiss her again. Timmy twisting her body and trying to escape from his body.

Timmy: Stop this Nicko!

Nicko: I know you want this Timmy. Let’s give it a try.

  He kiss her in her neck and whisper on her ears.

Nicko: I did this with some other girls but I never did this to you. Do you really want to be my real woman? Do you want me to f*ck you? Is that the thing that can make you stay? I’m giving you that. I’ll be good in bed. I’ll make you satisfied.(Whispering on her ears.)

She can’t take it anymore. This is the first time that he said inappropriate words with her. She strongly push him and slap him side to side. Nicko really bullied her all these years but this is the first time that she heard him saying indignity words upon her.

Timmy: I never thought you’d be like this Nicko!

Nicko: Why? I just want to f*ck you. Don’t tell me you’re refusing me? Come on! Let’s do it here!

Nicko grab her hand again and lifted up on the wall and kiss her over and over again. He unbutton her polo shirt and trying to kiss her lower down to her neck.

Timmy: No Nicko! Don’t do this to me. Stop it!

Nicko: I know you want this Timm.  Let me taste you Honey. I want you.

Nicko bite and suck her neck. He kiss her going down to her breast. He started to kiss her nipples and stopping her hand from fighting. He strongly grab her hand while playing on her breast. Timmy didn’t expect this to happen. She was totally shocked. She’s not used to it. She didn’t expect that he will be like this. He never do these things to her and she’s afraid that he will get her virginity if she will not do anything to stop him. She don’t want to give herself in this way. He really love Nicko but doing these things really frightening her. Its not supposed to be like this. One of his hand goes to her legs. He’s trying to touch her legs upward. Timmy is wearing a skirt that time. He’s about to touch her private part down there when she strongly refused and started to cry.

Timmy: No Nicko. Please no! Please stop. Stop!

Nicko suddenly stop when he saw her crying. She cry and sit on the floor. She covered her exposed breast. Nicko kiss her forehead and sigh.

Nicko: Stop crying. I’ll never do it again.

Timmy didn’t answer. She can’t stop crying.

Nicko: Stop crying please.. I’m so sorry.

Nicko trying to button her polo shirt but she refuse him to touch her and runaway. Nicko left shocked. He can’t even imagine that he could do such things and said that kind of indignity words towards her. All these years he never show such kind of behavior. He only kiss her, that’s all. But this is the first time that he did these ridiculous actions. He can’t stop himself. He felt like one of his favorite toy is going to vanish and the only thing that he can do is to hold this so that no one else will get that thing.
“Why did you say that?!Why did you do that?! Stupid! You’re so stupid Nicko!” He punched the wall after.

To be continued....

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