Twenty Three.

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I did not proofread

Dave's POV

"I missed you so much." Faith mumbled against my lips.

We've been kissing each other for the past fifteen minutes. She's been laying in my arms since we showered and got dressed.

"I missed you more, baby." It was true. I missed having her by my side. I missed her smell, her soft skin, her lips, her eyes, her laugh. I missed that beautiful smile. Everything about her. I missed it.

Faith cuddled more into my side and wrapped her arm tighter over me. "No Dave like I really missed you. Almost like I was craving you. I really wanted you by me. With everything. I wanted to call you every time I had good news or if I just wanted you over to be in your presence, but I couldn't do that." She intertwined our fingers and shrugged.

After Faith and I had that little conversation about Byron, we got dressed for the day. She ain't have no clothes over here so she just took one of my shirts and put it over her shorts from yesterday. Right now we're laying in the living room, on the couch.

"Y'all are so cute. I'm glad to see my babies back together." My momma said walking into the living room from outside. "Hey angel." She said giving Faith a kiss on the cheek. I held my head up for her to give me one and she just looked at me.

I smacked my lips. "Really ma? I'm actually your son. Biologically."

"I know that." She continued her way to put up the little groceries she had.

"Damn." Faith laughed at me.

"It's really not funny, but aight." I sat up and pushed her off me. "We'll see who laughing in nine months." She stopped laughing and straight faced me. "Nah keep that same energy. Come on laugh with me." I let out a goofy laugh.

"Nah bruh cause see that's not even something to laugh about." she tried to keep from laughing.

"Aye I ain't ask. You told me to." I shrugged.

"It was a spur of the moment kind of thing. I didn't mean to say it, it just came out." She explained.

"It sure did. Shit felt great too." I joked and she playfully hit me. "So you gone be mad if you do become pregnant?" I asked. This is something we need to talk about.

She shrugged. "I'm not going to be mad, but it's definitely not something I'm rooting for. I can admit, I was irresponsible and I should have been mindful of what I said and asked you to use a condom, but like I said, I was in the moment. I wasn't thinking so it's on me if I do become pregnant. Which I highly doubt would happen." She spoke sure of herself.

"What makes you so sure?" I scrunched my face up.

"Come on. How likely is it for someone to actually get pregnant their first time having intercourse? It's not going to happen. Now if we got down for a second or third time all willy nilly then maybe, BUT that won't be happening again until I get an engagement ring on my finger." She held her left hand in front of her to examine it and smirked. "You gotta strap the willy until then, my g."

"Why? I'll just pull out."

"Yeah aight." she waved me off. "You know, in my health class we learned that the pullout method is terrible. A lot of guys don't pull out in time for it to be effective. Pre cum can also get me pregnant."

"I'll pull out in time. I promise." I spoke lowly while climbing on top of her.

She busted out laughing. "You're so silly." She pushed me to the side. "And no. I'm serious. I'm going out to buy a bulk of condoms. I'm putting some in the bedroom, the kitchen, the bathroom-"

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