Twenty Six.

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Didn't proofread

Faith's POV

Friday Court Date

Waking up at seven am on the dot, I get up and get ready for my court date that I have with the bums. I really don't even want to go anymore. I've had enough with my emotions and I'm over that night. Yes, I probably should still be upset, but I've never been one to hold a grudge, and to top it all, my emotions are not where they should be right now. I just lost the man I though I would be with forever. Why did I even think that? I'm an idiot that's why.

I took a quick shower and got dressed in a nice little pant suite. My nips were showing in the top I chose so I, of course, kept the suite jacked buttoned up. I grabbed something quick to eat from my kitchen then proceeded out of the door. My case is set for nine and it's only fifteen minutes past eight and the courthouse is only twenty minutes from my apartment so I'm good on time.

I drove the short distance to the courthouse with fifteen minutes to spare. I walked in and found my lawyer close by the courtroom my case will be held. I see Millie and her friends in a corner mugging me and, to get under their skin, I smile back at them. Killing them with kindness. I see they showed up and early too. They don't want to fuck with the law.

Five minutes after I get here, I see Dave walk in. Ugh. What is he doing here? I didn't invite him, but his baby mother probably did. Millie walks towards him, but before she got to him she sent a smug look on her face as if she won. Girl.

"What's up." Dave said quickly to her, brushing by her to get to me. "Hey." He said standing in front of me.

"Hey." I mumble, monotoned then I went back to playing around on my phone. It's too late to try to be present with me.

"I wanted to come and show you support."

I inhaled deeply before letting the breath out. "That's nice, but I don't need your support now. I needed it before." I said while putting my phone in my bag.

"Henderson vs. Colon, Hernandez, Smith, and Thomas." They called my case. I walked away from Dave without saying anything and proceeded into the courtroom.

We did all the introductions and the normal procedures for court. Dave came in and sat behind me. Anyways. The judge came in and now we're discussing the night of the fight.

"You are suing for medical expenses, assault, and emotional distress, correct?" The judge asked.

"Yes ma'am."

"Do you mind telling me about that night?"

I stood up. "Sure. Uh basically I was out at a night club here in New York and I was sitting by myself. Ms.Colon and her friends came in and proceeded to start a conversation with me. I wasn't interested in conversing with any of them, but they were asking me questions and insulting me at the same time, so I did engage. Continuing on, they started to get louder and more aggressive than what I was used to, so naturally I was about to make my way out of the building, until I was attacked. They pulled at my hair, punched me, kicked me, they busted my lip, and scratched very closely by my eyes. A dark knot was formed on my temple and my stomach was bruised. I did provide the court with pictures of my injuries."

The pictures that I took of my face and stomach were shown on a screen in the room for everyone to see. This is really embarrassing. "I see." The judge said. "Did you know Ms.Colon prior to that night at the club?" She asked.

"No, not personally. I had never met her in person, but I did know of her."

"How did you know of Ms.Colon?" She asked me. Damn when we gone get to the criminals?

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