Forty Eight.

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Excuse any mistakes.

Faith's POV

"Owww Lena! Or Lela! Whichever one you are!" I heard Kaiden yell from the living room.

I was in the kitchen talking with Dave's mom before he and I head out for our "Mommy, Zaddy Week Getaway" as Dave is calling it. It was supposed to be two days, but he said we needed to relax and enjoy each other. I agree with him.

"Stop it! Now I can scratch you." I heard him again and then one of the babies started to scream bloody murder. I know it was one because they are a force t be wrecking with when they cry together. I rushed in the living room to investigate.

"Don't scratch her! She's a baby!" I heard Kairi yell at him and a loud ass smack was heard right after, then Kaiden started to cry out loud. I cannot.

"What is going on in here?!" I yelled. Of course, as all kids do when they're about to get in trouble, they all started yelling and talking at the same time. "Stop." I directed them to be quiet. I picked up Lela, who was crying and calmed her down. "What happened, Kairi?"

"Mommy!" Kaiden yelled.

"Be quiet." I pointed my finger at him. "What happened?" I turned back to Kairi.

"Lela scratched him in the face and he scratched her back. As a result I slapped him." She shrugged. She is her daddy's child. I'm low key shocked she could decipher between Lela and Lena.

"Kai you can't hit your brother. It's not nice."

"But he scratched my sister.."

"Come tell me or your another adult in here." She nodded and went back to her tablet. "Come on Kaiden." I sat Lela down after she calmed down.

"Uh uh." He shook his head and folded his arms.

"If I gotta say it again, we gone have a problem. Now move it." I pointed to the stairs.

He stood up and stomped up the stairs with the meanest mug I've ever seen him have. He's never difficult with me. "What's been up with you?" I asked him once I sat him on the counter in the bathroom to clean up the scratch he got down there. Babies have death grips when it comes to scratching, so he had a slight, bleeding mark on his face.

"I don't like them." He mumbled. "Why can't it be only us, again?" His little voice asked and it bout made me cry because I know his little feeling are hurt. I think he remembers it was just him and I when he was two, going on three.

"What do you mean?" I know what he meant, but having these conversations with my son will grow our relationship.

"I wish it was me and you, mommy. No Kai, no babies, no daddy. Just us. It was funner." He said lowly and hung his head down.

"Aw baby." I hugged him because he needed it. I really don't know how to go about this situation. I'm an only child. I never had to deal with siblings, so I don't know if I should take this with a grain of salt, chastise him, or sympathize.

"Let's run away." I heard him mumble in my shoulder.

"Let's run away?" I laughed. "We can't do that. Kaiden why do you feel like this? Talk to me." I picked his heavy butt up and carried him back into Dave's old room, sitting him beside me on the bed.

"They took you away from me." I guess he's referring to everyone downstairs.

"No they haven't. I haven't gone nowhere."

"Do you still love me?" He looked up with his brown eyes and they were on the verge of spilling tears.

"Of course I love you, Kaiden. I tell you everyday." I pulled him into my lap. "You don't think I do?"

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