Twenty Nine.

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Didn't proofread. Enjoy and prepare yourselves. It's lit. 🌚

Faith's POV

"Hey Ella Bella. Did you have a good day, today?" I asked Ella when she got to me. I'm currently picking her up from daycare.

"Mhm." She nodded.

"You going to help TT finalize and sign paperwork for her house?"

"Sure." She shrugged.

I frowned at her short responses. "What's wrong?"

She shook her head and got in her car seat and I went to get in the driver seat.

"Was Kairi at school today?" I looked at her through the rear view mirror. She shook her head.

I blew out a breath and started the car. Ella hasn't been talking much all week and I know it's because she can't go home with Kairi. She's making me feel terrible. I wasn't trying to be selfish when I decided to put her in daycare, but that's exactly how I'm feeling now.

I started the car and drove towards the house that I have decided on getting. Yes I found a house! I saw it back around my birthday and kept coming back to it and I decided about two weeks after that I wanted to go forward with the building process. Oh yes. I'm the first person to live in my house. The commute is a little distance from the city, but I'll take the slow pace of this area over the hustle and bustle of the city.

While I was driving I got a call from Alex.

"Hello." I answered.

"Hey Faith. How was your week?" Alex and I talk every week so she can check up on Ella and just see how we're managing.

"It was busy, but I'm not complaining. How about you?"

"It was okay. How's my baby?"

"Ella say hi to mommy." I looked at her in the back.

"Hi mommy." She said all sad. Oh my gosh. Is she really going to give me a hard time because she can't go home with Kairi?

"What's wrong, baby?" Alex asked concerned.

"TT won't let me go with Kai Kai." She folded her arms and mugged. Hell nah they been hanging out with each other too much.

"Who's Kai Kai?"

"That's Dave's daughter. I was having them pick Ella up when they would pick Kairi up from preschool. Last week I made the executive decision to put Ella in daycare. I pick her up from preschool on my lunch break and take her to daycare." I explained.


"It's complicated." I said because I really didn't want to get into it.

"Mm. I'm not convinced. I don't like that my child is upset, Faith."

"Me neither, but your child is being dramatic, Alex. They see each other everyday in school. She will not die if she sees other kids." I rolled my eyes slightly.

"Is this about her seeing other kids or you and Dave got into it?" She asked as I pulled into the driveway of my house.

"Can I call you later? I'm about to go handle some business." I tried to rush her off the phone.

She chuckled. "Alright Faith. I'll talk to you later. Bye Ella. I love you."

"I love you too." Ella said before the call disconnected.

"Alright Ella. Let's just go in here, fix our face, and I'll get you some Wendy's after I'm done in here." I turned around in my seat to look at her.

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