Thirty Six.

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Didn't proofread. Excuse any mistakes please.

Dave's POV

"Babe!" Yasmine yelled in a sing song tone.

"Oh my gosh." I heard Kairi whisper and she placed her hand on her forehead. She's sitting at the coffee table on the floor in front of me.

"Aye." Kairi turned around. "Chill out. I don't know what's been going on with you lately, but you need to get it together. I'm not playing with you Kairi."

"Can you tell her to be quiet? I'm doing homework." She pointed to the little addition she was doing.

"Go in the kitchen and sit at the table to do your homework. I don't know why I'm always having to have this conversation with you, Kairi."

Kairi snatched her paper off the table and started to stomp out of the living room until I grabbed her by the back on her shirt and yanked her back to me. I popped her ass and she started crying. "You gone stop with the disrespect. Now go in there and do your homework. Silently." She cried and sniffled while she walked away from me. "Be quiet, Kairi. I don't want to hear you."

"Damn babe. You are so aggressive.." Yasmine sat beside me and trailed off. "I like that." She purred in my ear and started to feel up on me.

"You do?" I looked at her with a smirk.

"Mhm." She nodded and kissed on my neck.

"Dad." Kaiden came in. "Ex-cuse me, please." He separated the word "excuse" and wedge his self between us.

"Aw Dave he's so cute." She cooed at Kaiden.

"Thank you, but Mommy say I handsome." He side eyed Yasmine and turned to me. "Daddy I don't feel good." He put his head in his hands and looked up at me.

"What's wrong?" I picked him up and sat him in my lap. "You sick?"

He nodded. "I want mommy." He kind of whined.

"What's wrong Kaiden?"

"My head. She too loud." He pointed straight at Yasmine while he laid his head on my chest.

Yasmine is from the Bronx and she's Puerto Rican, so she can sometimes be a little loud if you're not used to it. "Ya moms is relaxing. She needed a break from yo ass."

"Ass?" He looked up at me with a confused face.

I busted out laughing when he said. "Yeah "ass" and don't say it again. Ya moms would kill me." I continued to laugh.

"Okay." He nodded. Kaiden is a very intuitive person. He understands things a little more than what an average three year old would. He can sit and actually have a conversation with you and understand most of what you're saying to him. If he doesn't then he'll just ask you what it means and continue the conversation.

"You said you want your mom?" He nodded again. "Why you always trynna leave me? Huh? You don't miss me when you go to your other house?" I tickled his side and he started dying laughing.

"I do." He said in my chest after I stopped tickling him. "Mommy is warm." He tried to cuddle more into me. "You not." He said with a shrug.

"I mean ya moms got a little more cushion than I do so I can't really compete with her." I thought about Faith and her fine ass. I know I'm with Yasmine, but man I'd love to put my di-

"Daddy." Kaiden started to tap me on my face which brought me back to reality.

"Yeah? What you say?" I looked down at him.

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