Twenty Five.

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Didn't proofread.

Faith's POV

This car ride is taking forever and it's extremely quiet. I'm fuming and I'm questioning my self worth. I had it before. Before I got with Dave, I knew my value and I always said I would never accept anything less. Yet, here I am with a man who couldn't give a damn about me, and if he does, well he has a terrible way of showing it.

This whole ride I've been thinking about where I went wrong. What did I do? Did I say something? Did I not say something? Was I not affectionate enough? Did I not fulfill his sexual desires? What happened? How did we go from saying "I love you you" every time we were on the phone to not speaking for a month?

We eventually pulled up to a house, which I'm guessing is where he's staying for his trip. I got out and followed Dave to the door, but kept my distance. He opened the door and I followed behind him. He went towards the kitchen and I stayed by the door.

"You want a drink?" He asked me, coming back out from the kitchen. I shook my head. "Why don't you have a seat?" He chuckled.

"I'm not staying. Just need to say my peace so I can dip. I will take these heels off though." I slipped them off my feet and held them in my hand.

"Look Faith I'm really sor-" Let's begin. Shall we?

"Sorry? You say that a lot." I chuckled and looked to the side. "You ain't tired of saying it, yet?" I stopped and looked straight at him.

"I know. I know I been fuckin up-" I interrupted him.

"If you know why do you continue to do it?" I'm speaking calmly right now and I don't know how long I'll be able to keep it up, but I'm trying for this, possible, baby. I don't want to take any chances.

He shrugged. "Okay well since you don't know and you obviously don't seem to take me serious, let's make this easier on the both of us. I don't want to be with you anymore." I straight up said.

"What?" He looked up and confused at me.

"You need me to repeat it?"

"I heard what the fuck you said." He spat at me.

"Cool. Alright well you have a good one." I turned to walk out of the door.

He charged towards me and stood in front of the door, so I couldn't leave. "Whatchu mean "have a good one"? Why you breaking up with me?"

I was taken aback, my whole body about fell backwards. Lol is he serious? "Why am I breaking up with you?" I laughed. "You for real or is your question rhetorical?"


"Dave. You and I both know you don't value me as much as you should. You probably just don't want to acknowledge it, but it's okay I'll be out of here just as soon as you let me out. Excuse me." I tried to move him to the side.

"Faith I said I was sorry."

"Okay? I don't care. Move."

"No." He's starting to catch an attitude, but that's not my problem.

"Dave I'm not doing this with you. If you don't let me out I'm calling the police on you." I pulled out my phone getting ready to dial their number. This maniac snatched my phone and threw it across the room. "Yo what the fuck is wrong with you?! Fucking psycho!" I went to my phone to see that the screen was shattered. It still worked, but my screen was done for.

"Why you breaking up with me?" He asked again getting close to me.

"Because of you. You're the reason why I'm breaking up with you. You were literally the worst boyfriend anyone could ask for. You never had my back the way I had yours and I'm not doing it anymore. I hate being in a relationship with you. I'm miserable. I was doing just fine before I miraculously fell into your arms. I wish you would have just let me fall on the ground." I started to spill how I was really feeling.

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