Thirty Four.

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(The song is the vibe of this chapter...)

I wrote most of this chapter in my accounting class today. Literally. Instead of notes, I was writing this stuff down since he's big on no phones in class. Lmao! Enjoy, my friends.

Excuse any mistakes, please.

Faith's POV

Two weeks later

"Faith please take it." Dave's mom begged me. Dave and I switch off staying at each other's houses and this week we're at his. Right now I'm in the bedroom with his mom.

"Ma I can't. I don't want to know. What am I going to do with another baby so soon with a man that raped me?" I shook my head and tears kept rolling down my face.

I haven't been feeling well these last few days. I've been feeling how I was with Kaiden, but times a thousand. I barely throw up and I've done so everyday for the past week, so I have a feeling and a good idea as to what is going on. I'm just really scared for it to be confirmed.

"You need to know, baby." She extended the pregnancy test towards me. "Please."

I looked up at her with tears in my eyes. I grabbed the test and went into the bathroom to take it. I can't be pregnant. I can't be. Not now and not with him. I'm hoping this is just nerves getting to me for my court date later this week.


"Hello my beautiful ladies." Dave came into his bedroom and over to my side of the bed. Kairi came into his room to take a nap with me so she was laid up against me, but I couldn't go to sleep because of the results. I've been crying since she went back to sleep about an hour ago. "What's wrong? You nervous about this week? It's going to be okay ba-"

"I'm pregnant, Dave." I croaked. There was no sense in keeping this information to myself.

He was quiet for a minute then he got up and picked up Kairi. He left with her and then came back shorty after. He got into bed with me and pulled me closer to him. "Are you okay?"

"Honestly, no. I feel sick to my stomach right now. I can't have this baby." I started to bawl in his chest. Why is all of this happening to me? "I don't want this baby, but I never pictured myself getting an abortion. What do I do?"

He sat up against the headboard and helped me sit up with him. "First. We gotta calm down. Okay?" He wiped my face. "Now how long you been feeling like this?"

"This whole week I've been feeling sick."

"And how long ago did you and I have sex?"

"Like three weeks ago, but what does this have to do with anything, Dave?"

"I mean there could be a possibility that my baby could be in there."

"I honestly doubt that, but if that is the case, I still don't want this baby."

"Well why not?" I could sense some hostility, but he's trying to remain calm.

"Because Ace isn't even one yet and I don't want anymore kids until I'm happily married."

"Ace turns one in three months. He will be well over one when this baby get here."

"That's nice, but I still don't want this baby, Dave."

"Aight how about you set up an appointment so we can see who's baby this is, then we can go from there."

"I'll make an appointment, but my mind is already made up." I got up.

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