Twenty One.

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Enjoy, my friends. (Hold on to your hats 😏)

Dave's POV

"Come here, Kamilla. Not bout to say it again."

I'm trying to get this little girl dressed so we can go out. I'm spending the day with my girls today. We going to hit up a park, get some ice cream, maybe a movie. Just fun dad time with my ladies. Then I got a party later tonight I have to slide through to.

"No!" She laughed and ran out of my room in her diaper and took a sharp left, heading towards her room or her sister's room.

I groaned and blew out a breath. I need to smoke. She stressing me out. I don't know what the fuck this kid is on, but she ain't get it from me. Kairi ain't give me no problems dressing her. I'd have my mom help, but her and pops went out today.

I walked out of my room and found her in Kairi's room. I grabbed Kamilla by the arm and popped her. Of course she was dramatic and started screaming. I ain't even hit her hard. She gets all that extra shit from her mother.

"Dada!" Kamilla cried and tried to cuddle up to me. I moved her back so I could put her shirt on.

I glanced over at Kairi and she was giving her sister a dirty look, obviously over all the crying. She rolled her eyes and looked back at her tv.

It took me three minutes to put her clothes on. Three. And she couldn't stand still to let me do that. "Kairi put your shoes on." I told her while I took Kamilla in her room to grab a pair of shoes for her.

Once the both of them had their shoes, we proceeded outside. I buckled them into their car seats and got in on the driver side. "Where we goin first? Y'all want ice cream then the park?" I looked in the rear view mirror to see them nodding. Kamilla still had an attitude, but it's whatever.

I made my way to a local ice cream shop, right across from the park. "What flavor?" I looked down at them.

"Nilla." Kairi simply stated with a shrug. Just like me. Kamilla pointed to chocolate. Just like......I have no idea. Her moms hate chocolate ice cream too.

I got them their ice cream and we made our way across the street towards the park. They picked a bench to sit on and I gave them their cups and sat a napkin in their laps.

While they ate, I scrolled through my phone. A couple minutes later I got a phone call from Jungle. "Yo." I answered.

"Aye Dave we need you to stop by before the party tonight."

"I'm chillin with my daughters right now, bro." I looked over at them "talking" to each other. Kairi was talking and Kamilla was chiming in.

"No pressure. Take your time. Just sometime before five, come through. We gotta go over something with you."

"Aight. Give me hour and I'll be over there."

"Aight. Peace." We hung up and I saw that the girls were done with their ice cream. "Come on. Y'all ready to play?" They screamed and jumped off the bench. "Hold up." I stopped them before they could run off. "No running. Y'all just finished eatin and stay where I can see you." I told them while I was throwing their trash away.

"Done?" Kamilla asked and put her hands on her hips.

I scrunched my face up. "Who you talkin to?" I scolded her.

She fixed her face real quick while shaking her head and smiling. "Pway?" I eyed her for a second then nodded. I don't know who she was talking to or where she got it from, but it wasn't me.

She been acting real grown lately. Not even one and talking to me like I'm one of her kids. Millie gone hear from me because we not tolerating the disrespect. Either way, imma tear her little ass up if she keep on.

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