Chapter 43

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I try my best to forget about the kiss. I keep myself busy with whatever I can. I'm glad when it's showtime so I don't have to be so close to Bruno. The show seems to end so quickly tonight. I'm in my room listening to music and thinking about what Eric said. What did he mean I confuse Bruno? I decide that I should ask Bruno. I grab my camera. This way I can tell him I was just there so we could pick out the pictures for the website. Not that I ever needed an excuse before. I go to his room and knock on the door. He answers and he tells me to come in and says he will be right back. I hear him talking to someone, it's Jess. "Hey babe I gotta go. Monique and I gotta pick out the pictures for the website." I hear him say. "Okay sounds good. Talk to you later. Love you" says Jess. "Me too." He says. Then he comes back into he living room.

Bruno: "Sorry about that"

Me: "No problem. Let's look at the pictures.:

We finish looking at the pictures and he goes in the room to grab the laptop so we could upload the pictures we picked. I'd been trying to get him on his tech game so he was learning how to use it thanks to me. Lol. I'm sitting there waiting and I realize he's been gone for a minute. I get up and walk to his hotel bedroom and he is sitting on the bed with the laptop in his lap. He looks.... sad..... angry... I can't really tell. I call his name but he doesn't look up at me. I walk over to see what he's looking at. I gasp... It's Jess. She must have left her laptop cam up. She's making out with another guy in her bed and they're getting pretty frisky. I take the laptop from Bruno and I close it. He just sits there.

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