Chapter 68

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Bruno is looking at me shocked. Then I see he gets angry. "Why the hell are you marrying him Monique? He broke your heart time and time again." He is trying to stay calm because we are in public but I can tell he is pissed. "Because Bruno.... everything happens for a reason. My path always leads me back to Marcus. It has to be for a reason...... He's a good man Bruno. He just made shitty choices at times but who doesn't. Nobody is perfect remember?" I say angirly. And he just sits there and says nothing. Hurt is all on his face and it makes me sad. But what did he expect? I needed to move on and get over him. Not that I sucedded but he didn't need to know that. "So was any of it real?" He asks. What is he talking about? Wait is he for real? "You think I pretended to love you?" I asked. He says nothing. "Wow! You know what Bruno I gotta go. I have a rehearsal dinner I need to be at. Have a nice life." I say

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