➰Chapter Thirty➰

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Chapter Thirty

"Everyone's... dead." Leah said in a low voice, as she stared at all the corpses left behind from Valentine's attempt at using the Mortal Cup to create his army . "Oh, God."

"Leah!" Jace's voice called her from behind. She turned almost immediately, her heartbeat spiraling out of control. She hurried past all the bodies towards him, quickly embracing him in a hug.

"Jace! How... How did you get here?" Leah frowned, stepping back only to meet his eyes.

"I portalled in. Come on, we need to leave before he notices I'm here." Jace replied.

"I can't leave. He won't ever let that happen." Leah sighed.

Before they could say something else, one of Valentine's henchmen attempted to attack them, only to be stabbed and defeated by Jace as quickly as he rushed towards them. Leah froze when she spotted Valentine himself walking towards them, a twisted smile on his face.

"Jonathan. You have your mother's spirit, don't you?" Valentine sneered.

"And I also have your fighting skills, so if I were you, I wouldn't take another step." Jace snapped.

Leah watched as Valentine cockily ignored Jace's warning and stepped towards them, swinging his seraph blade without as much as a second thought. Jace managed to dodge his attack only barely, while striking back at Valentine with the same, if not more force. Things became more difficult as soon as Valentine's minions joined in, making the fight an unfair three-on-one.

She knew she had to think fast if she wanted Jace to survive, so she grabbed the deceased henchmen's seraph blade and joined, slashing and swinging it well enough to defeat one of the men. Soon, she found herself fighting Valentine himself, which proved to be a more than difficult task.

Valentine didn't seem to stop himself from trying to kill her. It wasn't surprising, but it was certainly concerning. Leah felt herself wearing out, and wished that she could activate one of her runes for strength. Suddenly, she felt her Endurance rune activate on its own, and even if she had no idea of how that happened, she didn't take time to question it, and she lunged herself at Valentine as fast as she could. With one final blow, she managed to stab her father in the stomach, twisting the blade to make sure she had finished the job. Valentine gasped and collapsed to the floor.

Leah was panting, trying to catch her breath. "Oh my God... I... I killed him!"

"Impressive." Jace said, making her frown. That was definitely not the reaction she was expecting from him.

"For real? Jace... I just killed our father!"

"Did you, though?" Jace questioned, and as soon as he said that, her eyes went back to the person she had just finished off. The corpse lying before her wasn't Valentine's, but one of his followers. She then glanced back at Jace and widened her eyes in horror. "I must say, Abigail, you are one tough fighter, for a Mundane."


Jace slid his stele over his Glamour rune, revealing himself to actually be Valentine, in disguise. "Not quite."

"You tricked me!" Leah said, mentally scolding herself for being so gullible.

Valentine shrugged. "A necessary test. I can see now that your skills are well developed, but your loyalty... Well, it needs readjusting."

"I will never be loyal to a monster like you."

"We'll see about that." Valentine smirked, as two men grabbed Leah by her arms and started to take her below the deck. "As soon as I break that stubborn spirit of yours, you'll be joining me all on your own."

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