➰Chapter Fifty-four➰

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Chapter Fifty-four

Leah groaned as she woke up, glad to see Clary's face being what received her. "Thank the Angel you're okay."

"What—Where is that son of a bitch?"

"About that..." Clary started, as she pointed at Valentine behind them, holding both the Cup and the Sword in his hands. "STOP!"

Leah immediately stood up, fighting the urge to puke from the whiplash. She had more important matters to attend. Valentine turned to look at them with a sly smile. "Good. Abigail's awake. Just in time to see history being made."

"You killed Jace. How could you?" Clary spat.

"I'm certain he would have stopped me if I hadn't," Valentine said, eyeing Jace's limp body. "My daughters... I loved that boy like I loved Jocelyn."

"So you only loved them unless they disagreed with you?" Leah snapped. "That's not love, you lunatic."

"Their deaths were necessary sacrifices if I'm going to save humanity."

"Don't go there," Leah started. "The only person you've ever loved is yourself."

Valentine sighed, walking toward them with a concerned look. "If that were true, then why do you think I've kept you two alive?"

He then walked into the lake and dipped the Mortal Instruments into the water, looking at the sky. "Raziel! Do you hear me? I call upon the Mortal Instruments and summon you into this mortal realm!"

A golden figure suddenly sprung out of the water, its glow so bright, it almost blinded Leah. She had to squint her eyes to make out the borderling of his feathery wings.

It spoke with an angry tone. "It has been a thousand years since I have been summoned to this place. Why do you summon me now, Nephilim?"

"My lord, Raziel! The great men and women in the lineage of Shadowhunters, which you have created here, have failed in their mission to rid this world of demon scum."

"I see you are impatient. What is it that you ask of me?"

While Valentine spoke to the Angel, Clary pulled out her stele and looked at Leah as she freed her from the rope she'd been tied with, allowing her to run towards Valentine and knock the knife off his grasp, not before cutting herself with it.

Clary then joined her, trying to help her get rid of her father. Valentine finally knocked her down, grabbing a large rock and looking at Clary sadly. "I've worked too hard for anyone to mess this up. Even my own daughter."

Leah immediately used the knife she took from Valentine and charged at him with her full force, stabbing him in the heart from behind, and twisting it to finish the job. "I will not let you take someone else from me ever again."

She then helped Clary to her feet, who seemed to still be pretty shook by what just happened. "You killed him."

"Are you okay?" Leah asked, putting her hands on her shoulders.


Leah nodded, before turning back to the lake and looking directly at the Angel, who had stayed behind to watch the entire thing unfold. "Angel Raziel."

"Abigail Morgenstern."

"You know my name?"

"Of course I do. It is my blood that runs through your veins, after all."

Leah widened her eyes in surprise. "So the vial that Jocelyn injected me with..."

"It was not Ithuriel's angel blood, but my own, Archangel blood, taken from me a very long time ago."

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