➰Chapter Forty-Two➰

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Chapter Forty-two

Leah barely dodged Clary's blade. She was getting better each day, the more she practiced, the more it cost her to fight her like this. She couldn't help but wonder if she'd be training like this with her if they had gotten to grow up together as Shadowhunters, in an Institute like this one. Would she still be able to beat her sister? Or would the tables be turned?

"So..." Leah said, as they continued fencing. "When are you going to tell Simon that you don't have any feelings for him?"

"I already told you I don't want to talk about this with you."

"Why? Because I'm Isabelle's parabatai?"

"No. Because you're my big sister. Trust me, there are some things sisters shouldn't talk about," Clary rolled her eyes with annoyance. "Besides, shouldn't you be resting? You took a hit when Jace activated the Sword."

"I'm fine. It's Jace we should be worried about. I mean... Valentine lied about his supposed 'demon blood'. For so long he thought he was this monster..."

"Believe me when I say that the demon blood thing was definitely not why he thought he was a monster," Clary retorted with a smirk. "I'm pretty sure he thought he was evil because of his feelings for you."

"You don't know what you're talking about."

"Maybe. But I'm not the only one that sees it."

Before Leah could come up with a response, they were interrupted by Jace, walking into the training room with the straightest face Leah had ever seen him wear. She frowned, almost immediately knowing something was up.

"Clary. Leah. Inquisitor Herondale just arrived. She wants to speak with the three of us. Now."


"Valentine, you and I both know that the Cup can control demons. In the wrongs hands, it could be catastrophic."

"In your hands, I'm a dead man," Valentine hissed back.

"Nineteen Shadowhunters died on your assault on this Institute, along with hundreds of Downworlders that you massacred using the Soul-Sword. Justice will be served," Inquisitor Herondale warned him, as Leah felt a chill down her spine from looking at her father once again, unable to erase the trail of death he'd left when he activated the Soul-Sword. Unable to erase all those Downworlders' names, faces... Unable to ignore how she'd let them all down.

She silently watched as the Inquisitor activated one of the torture runes on his arm, making Valentine groan in searing pain. The Inquisitor then walked out of the chamber and made her way towards the three of them with the most unreadable expression Leah had ever seen.

Clary sighed. "How long can you keep torturing him?"

"As long as it takes," The Inquisitor replied coldly.

"If you want the truth, why not use the Soul-Sword?" Jace questioned, knowing the answer.

"Are you telling me how to do my job?"

"Of course not, Inquisitor. But it does seem a bit unnecessary to waste all this time torturing Valentine when you could very easily use the Sword you said you had in your possession," Leah replied, as they followed the Inquisitor back into the Institute's main area.

"The rune your sister drew to deactivate the Sword ended up damaging it in the process. It's been sent to the Iron Sisters so it can be purified."

Convenient, Leah thought. "That is unfortunate."

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