➰Chapter Fifty-three➰

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Chapter Fifty-three

"Anything new?" Isabelle asked the next morning, as Jace and Leah walked to them in the Ops room.

"Nothing. Clary's rune didn't work like it did on Jonathan."

"Magnus' wards are up. Valentine must still be in the city," Jace added.

"Thank the Angel for Magnus and the warlocks," Isabelle sighed.

"Well, they didn't raise the wards for us," Alec retorted.

"Who cares? At least it'll help us get to Valentine faster," Leah said.

"Teams are out doing block-by-block sweeps throughout the city. We'll find him," Isabelle assured her.

Leah sighed, making Clary turn to her with concern. "Hey, are you alright?"

"I thought we'd win when Jonathan was finally dead. But somehow... I don't feel like we won at all."

"Hey. He was our brother, Leah. It's normal to feel that way."

Leah shook her head. "It feels as if things weren't supposed to end that way. I don't know... Maybe I'm just on edge with this whole Valentine thing."

They were interrupted by the Institute's alarm system fully blaring, as a small red target appeard on the city map at the screens. Isabelle sighed. "It's the aerial sensors."

"It could be some kind of Wraith demon," Alec commented.

"Or it could be Valentine coming to kill us," Leah said.


"Where is it?" Jace complained, as soon as he, Alec, Isabelle, Clary and Leah were out on the busy Manhattan streets, casually searching for a flying demonic threat.

"It should be right on top of us," Alec said, frowning as he scanned the skies for their target.

Leah gasped as she and the others spotted the demon gliding behind some buildings, its dragon-like wings as big as a car. "Guys, is this a bad time to tell you that I need to go to the bathroom?"

"Not the time, Leah," Isabelle scolded, as they all assumed their positions to fight.

"Sorry. I resort to blunt comedic relief whenever I'm stressed."

"You're a lot like Simon that way," Clary noted.

Leah shuddered, clearly offended. "Well, that's not something I like to hear."

"Alec!" Jace called, completely ignoring their conversation. "On your six!"

The demon briefly appeared, before gliding back behind the buildings, barely dodging Alec's arrow. Leah frowned. "Why is it circling us like that?"

"It's getting ready to come at us," Alec replied quickly, as they all stood in a circle, their backs against each other.

"Alec, be ready," Isabelle called, as the demon started gliding its way toward them fast.

"Don't worry. I got this," Alec replied, as he drew his bow and shot and arrow directly at the demon, hitting it exactly and making it burst into gooey ichor.

Before they could celebrate, though, smaller lizard-like creatures sprouted from the remains, as several smaller demons left the bodie and spread throughout the street. Leah watched with disgust as they all disappeared from her sight.

"Nasty buggers."

"At least for demons are loose and unaccounted for," Alec said, as they started making their way back to the Institute. "Notify all available personnel."

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