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Jimin (POV)

He is like sunshine on a rainy day, his smile radiates happiness. We have worked out a skeleton of a song, but I could not tell you anything about it, Unless it was based souly on the way that all of shawn's teeth show when he smiles, how he laughs with his whole body. 

I'll come tomorrow to, "You are welcome to of course, but we focus half the day on dance practice tomorrow." 

"I wouldn't mind that at all, maybe you could teach me some moves?" He says directly at me, before brushing some of my hair behind my ear, sending shivers up my spine.

"I think that would be fun." I say winking at him. his face heats a little, "O-Okay bye, I'll see you tomorrow."

The door closed behind him. "Oh! Jimin! I think that he likes you very much!" Hobi is jumping up and down next to me. 

"Hobi, calm down, Do you like him?" Yoongi asks, trying to make Hobi stop freaking out. 

I smile, "Yeah, I like him, but were just friends." I remember our kisses yesterday, but I'm not ready to share all that with them yet, they would be to talkative to Shawn about it, and he's shy.

"For now, but not for long." Jin says raising and lowering his eyebrows. 

"You should get him tickets to the show on Saturday." Joon asks, "I don't know that's kind of short notice, don't you think?" Plus it would embarrass me to know he was watching me.

"I think he would love it." Tae says. 

"Maybe to one of the other shows?" I say

"Of course, just tell me what one." Joon says, hugging me. 

"okay everyone, it's the end of the day, i'll pick up takeout text me what you want and i'll bring it to the hotel, get some rest."


I feel so exhausted from happiness, I still can't wipe the smile off of my face. Today went much better then I ever could have imagined, I feel so full of happiness right now. Kookie isn't in the room yet, he might have gone to get the food with Joon. I pull out some clean Pajamas and walk to the bathroom, starting the bath and quickly texting Joon to get me whatever for dinner.

I exit the bath, and am startled by Jungkook sitting on the bed waiting for me. 



When I got to the room, I heard the bath water start running, I sigh, with exhaustion, we didn't really do much physically, but something about the day was just so draining. I feel awful, I feel so completely empty. Like a part of me is missing. 

I could change well I wait, could call Ye, should probably text Joon what to get me for dinner, but I can't talk my body into doing anything, but to wait. I'm not even sure what I am waiting for. What am I going to say when he gets out here, I don't want you with Shawn, because- because why? Because I don't like the way he looks at you, the way you look at him, because that's the way that you used to look at me, and I miss it. I miss him, and I haven't lost him. 

That is stupid, I can't tell him not to be with Shawn, because if its not him then it will be someone else. Jimin is smart and funny, and he makes you feel like you are the most important person in the world. I have to let someone love him, since i'm not willing to, but the thought of him loving anyone else makes me want to explode. 

The door opening silences my thoughts, they are replaced by the smell of his strawberry shampoo and his clean face, his full perfect lips. He is perfect, He makes me believe in God, because there is no way that Jimin, wasn't sent here straight from heavens gates.

"Kookie? I thought maybe you had gone with Joon." he smiles at me, and it makes me sad, that he was wasting his smiles on Shawn earlier, and not on me. 

"N-no," I don't know why i'm embarrassed its not like he walked out naked, but there is something about Jimin's gaze that makes me feel bare, like he can see all of me, no matter how much I try to hide. 

"Oh, well good!" He smiles jumping on to the bed next to me, "I hope that he brings panda home, I want noodles." he nuzzles into my neck, pecking me slightly and then scoots on to the bed, "What should we watch?" 


Joon did bring Panda home, and we eat watching random shows on tv, but the only thing that I can focus on his smile, as he plays with his noodles, trying to make me laugh. The emptiness that I felt earlier in the day is gone. He completes me, when he is not here I feel less then. 

It hits me suddenly, I am in love with him, I can't tell him now. Not just days before the first show, I'll tell him right after the first performance. I'll call Ye, right after I tell him. I only have to go one more day seeing him flirt with Shawn, and they shouldn't be anything more by then, he would have told us, plus he clearly didn't want Shawn at the performance. It's just as he told me. they are just friends. 



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