surprise (2)

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my p.o.v

Kensington London 2020

It was a nice sunny day with my family and friends we had finally got together with much planning and schedule swapping. we are having a barbecue all my brothers are here and Brian, Rodger and my bohap crew mates including my husband.

what they don't know is that today I have an announcement JESUS wish me luck

im in the kitchen when Zayn comes in and looks at me with concern

what's wrong Rach? you look sick and you have lost weight I'm worried. Z said

emm well that's why you are all here today actually I have something to tell you and I will explain everything, but know this i'm not sick I have just been extremely stressed and I have had no appetite for nearly 2 months know but I went to the doctors and he said im fine just stressed and it should get better, which it has and im forcing myself to eat and remember to eat I promise. I say

Christ.right well i'm only letting this go cause you say your getting better and your going to tell us what's up.but tell the boys cause they keep coming to me and asking what wrong and it sucks to say I don't know we are all so worried including your husband. Z says

I nod teary eyed 

aww come here. Z says

I hug Z for dear life that's the thing I've always been closet to him he just looks at m with that knowing look and I always feel better.

I'ts ok whatever your going threw it will get better and we will help you as much as we can to help.we I love you so much to. watch you suffer and not step in alright I love you so much always remember that. he says rubbing my back soothingly 

thank you I love you too now lets get these few bits out and mingle a little and then I tell you all ,but don't say im going to say anything until I do ok please.

alright lets go Z says lifting the last bottles and a bowl of salad outside to the table 

I set the last of the food on the table 

OHHHHH FOOD come get. I yell

wow they all say in surprise of the size of spread haha as if it was going to be 4 bowls of food for  13 people 

come on dig in 

An hour later 

I look to my husband and subtly nod to say nows the time 

I stood up and yelled for there attention

emm  alright I have something to tell you and I heap load of fucking explaining to do 

just as I say that the music switches to queen  save me , I can't help but laugh 

save me indeed   I say laughing nervously

alright ok so you all know the topic of who my father was/is has always been and intersesting one given im the only child the is the product of a sperm donor.Well about 6 months ago I made the steps to start to find out and a month  in I found out more than I ever expected to I found out the name of the donor, the bank which mum got the sperm etc. I say stopping to breathe

I look at my husband to receive a nod to carry on 

well when I first found out who I laughed in there face because I was sure I was a mistake but after multiple test and investigations it proved true and with this preticular bank they take a blood sample so if anyone come to claim that a certain person there child they can test  if its true in the case the donor doesn't want to know or have died.i payed very good money to triple check the results. I say 

I look at them all and they are all shocked and confused 

it has come to my attention also that a lot of you are worried about my health and I want to say know that i'm fine. The reason for my weight loss is because of stress and I have gone to the doctors and they say if i'm going to be this stresses I need to recudce it where I can and eat higher calorie food so I don't burn off all the calorie and hopefully get my weight back up ,but i'm ok so please don't worry 

Wait i'm confused why are you so stressed  and confused of who your father is? asks Gwilym 

well because it scares me to be his daughter. he is an amazing man beautiful, funny, intelligence that would scare you and overall amazing man ,but its that that scars me I know he's dead now and all I can think is what if what would he think of me would he be proud all those thing you know. I say shaking 

I mean who he is explains a lot actually why I'm a bit eccentric my looks and much more. I say smiling proud

who is he? do we know of him?  kit says 

I nod not trusting my voice as I think of my father 

well who is he ? asks Ben

I look at him my eyes glassing over then look up to the sky to try and stop the tears I then look to Brian and just look into his eyes I can see the clocks ticking and then a look of realisation 

HOLY SHIT!!!! Brian says 

I nod tears tripping me 

he get up tears streaming and hugs me fiercely I hug back just fierce and sob into his shoulder 

before he lets go he whispers into my hair  "He's proud of you" and pulls back 

I choke back a sob 

I then look to everyone to see concern confusion and slight realisation on there faces 

em Racheal who is it love. Louis say calmly

I look to Brian asking permission  he smiles and nods

I take a deep breathe clear me throat and say ....

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