pain (19)

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my p.o.v

we were all sitting in the living room watching movies we were currently on les mis

he's very attractive dads suddenly says Rory whacking his thigh annoyed dad just kisses his forehead

I look at the screen to see Eddie Redmayne and blush dad notice

why are you blushing? dad asks me

everyone laughs

what? dad asks

emm I dated him for about 2 years a long time ago. I said nuzzling into rami's neck kissing his neck, he tightened his hold me

wow really good taste .he said then saw Rami's glare

but you upgraded got yourself an amazing man. he said quickly the rest of us laughed

I got up to get a drink, I was making tea when I heard Rory speak

alright? he asked

Jesus Rory you scared me. I'm ok backs just a little sore bumps having a long day and taking it out on my spine. I say rubbing my bump

come here he says arms open for a hug

its ok you don't have to be strong all the time its ok to be hurt or sore let it out. he says rubbing my back

damm why does he know me so well

I start to sob then start to cry harshly into his chest

aww sweetie its ok its ok it will ease and get better.

it hurts so bad. it feels like someones pushing my spine apart.i say sobbing

he just rubs my back hugging me

Hey baby, what's taking so long. rami calls walking into the kitchen

his eyes widen and he rushes over to me.when he sees me sobbing

oh baby what wrong? what's happened? he says rubbing my back. I can't get my breathe quick enough to talk so Rory did

her back is throbbing the baby is sitting on her spine and she said it feels like its pushing her spine apart. Rory says

oh baby come here it ok soon enough baby will move and ill rub your back till then.but first lets get you into a back and take a paracetamol your aloud to before you ask but only when desperate and I would consider this desperate come on lets go for that bath. rami says

I nod clutching his shirt tightly .

Rory could you explain to Freddie and tell him I will look after her for tonight. you go back and enjoy the rest of the movie and thank you for helping her. Rami says to Rory

Rory nods kisses my head and walks back to the lounge

we make our way upstairs which is agony and to the bathroom and Rami starts to fill the bath and put calming bath soap in. 5 minutes later the bath was filled and towels beside me.

ok baby girl lets get you in the bath. Rami says

I step into the bath and I turn to Rami to see him getting in behind me and starts to rub my back and then down my legs and up my stomach trying to help ease my pain and discomfort.

Rorys p.o.v

I walk back into the lunge and sit beside Freddie wrapping my arms around him 

where's Racheal and Rami ? Fred asked

she's crying In pain so Rami has taken her up for a bath to try and ease the pain. I say

What!! Fred says in alarm

shh she will be fine the baby's just sitting on her spine in a really sore spot.she could barley keep her self together when I tried to see what was wrong then she just broke down crying in pain it was horrible but I settled her a bit then Rami did a world of good and I don't expect to see them again tonight .  I say 

oh alright then. you sure she will be alright? Fred asks

yes she will be fine and Rami knows to ask us if he need something to help her out at anytime.i say reassuringly 

third person p.o.v

the night ended with laughter love and warmth of there loved ones arms

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