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my pov

I woke up this morning quickly showered and dressed in a tight body com dress Rami following close behind me ,we went downstairs and started to make breakfast everyone won't be down for another 30 minutes or so we were we'll on our way making the breakfast when I noticed Rami staring at me with tears in his eyes.

omg Rami baby what's wrong ? I asked worried

your showing I can see my baby .he said bending down to kiss my belly 

what? I didn't even notice it feels the same as yesterday. I say not having looked at my bump yet.

I  walk to the hall mirror and cry with joy and how beautiful and adorable my tiny bump is with my hand cupping it .I walk back to Rami smiling and go to kiss him 

a few minutes later we break apart smiling 

we are going to have to hide bump till we tell everyone maybe we could do it later on if we could find a way. I say

yeah let's do it. he says hugging me 

but first i'm going to show dad ,he has kept asking me since he found out if im showing yet he's super excited.i say

Rami laughs    sure baby go tell him now I will finish breakfast and get yourself a cardigan or something to cover bump for the meantime

ok . I say walking up to dads room 

I nock the door but hear no answer but I hear snores so I walk in to wake him up 

dad. daddy wake up I have something exciting to show you daddy wake up .I say shaking him slightly

he eventually woke up to my continuous shaking and calling out of dad 

hi darling ,what's up ? he asks still half asleep 

well dad I have something to show you . I say smiling

he just stares at me 

what what's wrong? I ask

you called me dad .he says

yeah I did ,do you not want me to I won't if you don't want me to . I ramble out quickly 

no no no of course I do ,I just thought you probably wouldn't want to cause you only just met me that's all.  he says

of course I want to I just didn't think you would be anywhere near ok or ready for me to call you dad before now. I say 

ok alright what's this you want to show me?.  he asks

ok sit up close your eyes and open when them when I say .    I said

he sits up closes his eyes and I stand sideways with my hands cupping my bump 

ok open them 

he does and looks confused for a second then zones in on my bump and smiles widely and puts his hand on my bump and starts to well up 

oh Daddy do cry . I say softly

I know i'm just so happy I never thought this would happen ,I mean I have a daughter a grand baby on the ways son in law a whole lot of family with the band your brothers and the bohap crew ,i'm just so grateful and its all because of you thank you so much .he say getting up to bring me into a fierce hug.

thanks dad ,ok well you get dressed and all and come down for breakfast ,oh and don't say anything about bump yet remind I are going to tell them later today pr tomorrow so just between us for the minute.i say

no problem . he says

I go to my room and grab a long cardigan to hide my bump a bit and head downstairs to find everyone but Freddie, Zayn and ben at the table

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