Hello uncles (21)

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Racheal p.o.v

soon after rami says all the sweetest things to our son and we decided on the godparents. there was a knock on the door

come in I call softly.

dad was the first one to come in and he came straight to me and brought me into a hug

I laughed

hey you ok? I ask when he doesn't let go.i say into his ear

yeah you scared me when the nurse come to get Zayn.i thought you were dying. he says

oh I'm sorry don't worry just a bit of a panic I'm ok baby is fine. I whisper to him hugging him tightly

okay he says with a pout he pulled back and dramatically said

where is my grand baby I need a cuddle

we all laugh and Rami moves to hand him to dad

hello tiny one don't you look the spit of your daddy.dad says to my son stroking his nose and cheek.

a little while later dad finally passes him to kit and eventually 2 hours later all the boys had held my son and we were all bugging me for his name.

once he was back in my arms with Rami sitting beside me arm around me and a hand on baby

so we have a name picked as well as god parents so we will just tell you all know.

so the little mans name is

Gwilym Niall John Malek

I said

aww this so sweet. they were all saying

after a few minutes

rami started to talk again

so we also have the godparents

so the first two godparents are Brian and Roger you are the first set of godparent you have always been there for me so I know you will be there for Gwilym. I say

and the other 2 are Louis and kit. we also want to say picking godparent was the hardest decision to make and we hope even if you weren't picked you are content being an uncle. rami says

They all smiled and cooed over baby Gwil

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