the explanation (7)

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my p.o.v

Jesus how do explain this.Right Freddie you know earlier when I told you about my brother and how we all share the same mother but we all have different fathers.well my mother slept with there fathers but went to a sperm bank for me and that was only to get the finance benefits of me and ditched me which is why I lived with kit.      I say

well last year I finally couldn't take not knowing who my father was anymore the boys knew who there's are its their choice to know them but I didn't have that so I hired someone to figure out who my father was at this point I was extremely stressed with work and this and some other stuff was happening and well that's the reason i'm so small i'm better see that's because I found out who my father was and I had them triple check the results I actually laughed at him when he first to me because I didn't believe it to be possible or true.   I say

did you emm are you happy with who your father turned out to be? Freddie 

yes god yes i'm thrilled but at the same time scared and sad. I say

why sad darling? he asked tentatively 

He died before I knew he was my father.i mean i'm one of the lucky few really my father is a legend I can watch him on tv, I can listen to him sing ,hear his voice ,meet some of his friends, see how he acts in interviews an its great because of all those things I can tell how similar to him I am  to him which I love and am incredibly grateful for that chance.        I say 

who is he?   Freddie asks 

I look towards Brian,Rodger,Rami they all just smile

You its you my father is Freddie mercury. I say with a nervous smile

Freddie just stares at me tears in his eyes I stare back the same

I finally break eye contact and stare at the floor thinking the worst

I only look up when someone touches my hands

I look up to see Freddie kneeling infront of me he reaches up wipes my tears and holds my head in his hands 

you're so beautiful you're so kind I want to know you if you let me.

yes and I fling myself into a tight hug we say like that until I pull back abruptly cover my mouth and run to the bathroom and vomit,i hear someone running after me and then a hand on my back and a hand holding my hair I look up to see Freddie looking concerned once I had finished we go back into the lounge where rami is just walking into with ginger cookies

 sorry about that  I say

what's wrong you were sick earlier to are you ill too ?  freebies asks scared

no i'm not sick not dying anyway . I smile at him

Rami comes over kisses my forehead 

we have something to tell you all  We're pregnant 

Oh My God they all yelled

i'm gonna be a grandfather    Freddie whispered

yeah you are.are you happy?   I say 

unbelievably happy. But i'm worried should you be so sick?  Freddie asks

 no I shouldn't but I spoke to the doctors and it turns out I have a illness when pregnant to  cause severe morning sickness. "Hyperemesis Gravidarum" I just have to be very careful drink plenty of fluids and eat little and often but I should be fine other wise and I would go threw this a 100 times to have kids 

alright well I think we should have dinner now cause i'm about to be a great uncle . Rodger says

I laugh   alright come on sit at the table ill bring it in Freddie im so sorry I forgot to ask is there anything you don't or can't eat?  I ask

no love ill eat anything.  Freddie say smiling

perfect I say walking into the kitchen grabbing dinner then proceed to take it to the table 

eat up boys  I say

dinner was great Bri and Rodger went home Freddie was in bed and I was sitting in bed waiting for rami 

he finally 45 minutes later he finally come up 

hey baby    he says

hi.     I say with a small smile 

how are you? its been a highly stressful and eventful day.  rami says

I'm good surprised but happy I mean I got the thing I wanted most second to you and baby I say smiling 

he smiles

how is my baby?  he ask putting his hand on my belly

our baby is good waking me up early enough but good  how are you baby? I ask

i'm good exhausted but i'm looking forward to the next few months with the press tour, baby and getting to know Freddie it should be good.  oh shit we didn't tell him about the movie or how we met or anything. he says almost sad

shit em we will tell him at breakfast then just you and me then we should ask him if he's ok meeting the boys and my brothers they would want to I know it . I say 

true now come on sleep baby girl we have a Long day ahead. he says kissing me deeply then folding himself around me and nuzzling his head into my neck hand resting on my belly 

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