truths (16)

39 4 0

freddie p.o.v

oh wait aren't you that one from that show with kit in it? I say

he laughs

yes I play the hound and that show is game of thrones he says smiling

oh yes its very good your very sexy as the hound.i say remembering him in costume fighting hmm dreamy

no im not I play a man who has ugly scaring on his face i'm not sexy in or out of costume.he says looking down

fuck how is he insecure look at him. I think

I put my hand under his chin and pull his face up looking him in the eye

I have never met or seen such a beautiful or sexy man in my life and I have met my daughters brothers .I say and joke  he didn't laugh

look at me i'm Freddie fucking mercury and I don't lie about beauty ever I take it very seriously, i think you are the most beautiful man I have ever seen with your sexy accent, your taller than me which turns me on something shocking, your beautiful dark eyes that I could get lost in and you smell fucking delicious. I say he finally concede's

he nods and leans forward to kiss me , I gladly accepted

we eventually got back to Racheal's house and sleep in separate room's. 

the night in the Malek mercury house hold was quiet with everyone asleep and a baby growing well.

Damm straight im a MercuryWhere stories live. Discover now