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My p.o.v

Todays the day they all arrive, lunch is made and ready for them when they all arrive
Yesterday Freddie, Rami and i did the last bit of cleaning and laundry along with food prep for the next few meals.

I look at the clock and see that its 12 and they are due between 12 and 2 o'clock and i'm buzzing  with excitement.

I talked to  Freddie and he said he was going to stay up stairs until everyone got here so it wasn't awkward and I didn't have to explain everything 25 times.

I go to sit till there here but I here the door bell ring and I run towards the door.

Kit .  I excliam bear hugging him

he laughs 

hello little one I've missed you. he says into my hair 

we pull back I say your in guest no 4 do you remember where that is? I ask

yeah I do you always put me in that room . he says smiling 

ok will go sort yourself out then come down and come down to get something light for lunch. I say to him

ok where is rami ?  he asks

hes in the shower he wont be long. I say

I head toward the kitchen again but the door bell goes when I get there and open the door im shocked because all my brothers and the bohap boys are here and when I look towards the drive way Bri and rog are pulling in 

hello come in. say bracing myself for the bear hugs

RACHELL my brothers yell all coming in for the hug 

boys I've missed you. I say smiling broadly

5 minutes later kits downstairs again and I am directing everyone to there bedrooms 

ok the only ones sharing rooms are for obvious reasons gwil and Joe and then Niall and ben if you would be so kind. I say

yeah that's fine but why do ben and I have to share there's enough rooms? he asks curiously 

well that's because I have a very big surprise for you ,that I will tell you about when you are settled and have had something to eat if you haven't all of you go put your stuff in your rooms and com on down again.i say smiling at Bri and Roger 

alright  they all say

1 hour later they are all down and those who want have eaten its time

Rami love will you go get him please and take your time about 10/15 minutes wish please and thank you .I say  directly to Rami

yeah baby.he says going upstairs

ok everyone in the lounge I have something to tell you . I yell lightly

once everyone is sitting I start 

ok so Brian and Roger know this and they only found out first because of obvious reasons and the fact they were already coming for dinner that night ,so that's the small disclaimer done. is say first

so a week ago Rami was out with Brian and Roger I was in the house on my own in the kitchen when I heard sneezing coming from the entrance hall area. so I yelled out thinking it was Rami but when I got there it wasn't Rami it was a stranger covered in an inch of dust and looking confused we chatted a bit and he seamed firmiliar and at this point he hadn't looked up from the floor but then he did I was more shocked than I ever thought possible and I was already feeling ill but that set me off so I immediately set of for the bathroom and threw up what felt like an organ ,but you see this man followed me and helped me out he held my hair, rubbed my back and got me water and sat with me until I was ok see after some figuring out I found out that this my had lived in my house previously and he said he way from the year 1975 which is crazy I know but after a lot of questioning and verifying with Brian and Rodger I established that it was indeed who I though, you see he got here somehow after the earthquake is 1975 he was walking down his stairs then he was here . I  say taking a break to breathe 

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