Lets shop (9)

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my p.o.v


Freddie come on lets go this is going to take a long time and will be exhuasting the sooner we go the sooner we can get back and sleep.i yell up the stairs

coming . he yells back

I get in the car and I put on the playlist I created of all my brothers music for him to hear for the first time.

Freddie gets in beside my in the passenger seat of my Land Rover that is very necessary for the size of shop we are about to do

ok ready got everything? we both say at the same time

yeah lets go. I say and a nod from Freddie

oh my work assistant said he'd to come and help with the trolly situation cause there a lot of big bulky items so we will need a lot of carts.we will also need their help bringing it home. I say

okay perfect.wait wait he and Rami doesn't mind that? dad says

No he doesn't my assistant is happily married to a guy if anything I should worry about him and rami I mean how the fuck I got a guy like Rami is beyond me but I sure as hell i'm sticking with him till he doesn't want me anymore, but I trust him so we are all good I trust my husband. I say smiling

good. he's a good guy I like him. Freddie says

we were about 10 minutes into the car journey when one of Zyans' solo album songs came on Fool For You then Insomnia

is that actually his voice no tweaking ? Freddie asked in aww

yeah it is its stunning isn't it? I say

stunning its exquisite darling. freebies says

that's the brother your closest to isn't it.

yeah he is I don't have favourites out of my brothers but we understand each other for health reasons so we always have bonded over it. I say

health reasons? Freddie asks a few minutes later

yes anxiety to be precise we struggle with things most wouldn't .For us its going on stage especially on our own, we would have panic attacks and shakes like leafs and it feels like a heart attack,you shake, crawl into yourself, hyperventilate and some people vomit too. so we understand just how scary it is for each other and ways to soothe each other.

Freddie looks at me teary eyed and puts his hand on mine squeezing it

im sorry. he say a while later

its alright its not as bad anymore I have ways to lessen or prevent it happening as bad if not completely and I take medication for plane journeys things like that. others have it worse so I consider myself lucky. I say with a small smile

im so proud of you, your so strong. he says

well your who I have to thank for that even before I knew your were my dad you always gave me strength to go on when things get really hard . I say

he just stares at me and smiles

we get to the store 15 minutes later

right love, lets go. I say

as we are walking in I see my assistant and his husband

Matthew how are you I haven't seen you in a while? om my god toby how are you? I say

we've been good had a lovely honeymoon. Matthew say smiling at his husband

who's this ? Matthew asks

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