the dinner (6)

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my p.o.v

its been and hour and Freddie is getting ready he's talking a baths and cleaning himself up.

I was going threw if I had everything done when I heard the front door open ,I breathe deeply and walk to great them and smile 

hello come threw to the lounge and I have a really fucking big surprise fro you all which scared the living shit out of me at first but keep and open mind its not a trick and breathe for the love of god breathe ok. now go sit I will go get your surprise. I say visibly neverous

Brian and Rodger walk into the lounge with confusion on there faces Rami stays and kisses me and puts his hand on my stomach and asks if i'm ok 

I'm fine still just a bit shocked and you will see why in a sec .you ok love? how was your day?  I ask looking up at him 

it was good talked with Brian and Rodger about the do's and dont's about the press tour and we are on a pretty good minute of what we will and won't say to keep was much of Freddie privacy he says smiling at me  I smile back and kiss him 

Alright go and sort Bri and Rodg out I will be down in 5 minutes.   I say 

Alright. he says kissing me again and walking towards the lounge 

Alright drinks what can I get you?  I hear him say whilst I climb the stairs 

 As I walk up to the spare room I hear Freddie humming and see him looking at the picture of my  wedding .

Ok  Freddie they are here and I want to warn you they might not react well at first you being not around is still pretty raw for them so be prepared for crying and most likely yelling I want you to stay outside the door whilst I explain and then come in other wise I fear I would give them a heart attack due to the shock and confusion.  I say looking at him

You look beautiful in your dress dear stunning is that your husband Rami? He asks pointing to Rami

yep that's him. I say smiling 

we look very much the same is he a relative ? he asks looking at me then back at the picture

In a way yes but lets go down all will be explained I promise. I say smiling 

wait Racheal  thank you for taking me in and explain things and getting Brian and Rodger here.  he says 

you're very welcome Freddie its my honour and privilege to do this for you. I say and hug him

I pulled away and squeezed his hands , smiled and said let the chaos  being 

walking down the stairs I held his hand and told him to say by the door 

I walked in the lounge to see Brian Rodger and Rami sitting talking 

Ok i'm back now time to explain and it does have to do with the surprise I promise

right so the day started normally until about 12 when I heard sneezing from the hallway by the front door and thinking it was Rami a started to call out and talk but when I got to the hallway I found a man covered in dust and he preceded to say what the hell was I doing in his house.i was confused so I explained it was my house with my husband but you see when he looked up I can safely say I have never been more shocked in my life to see who was standing in front of before I bring him in I want to tell you what we figured out is that as crazy as it sounds he's from 1975 and  got here after the earthquake . you see when I saw how It was I instantly new I was going to vomit so I ran to the bathroom  and he followed me there and looked after me he rubbed my back, held my hair back and soothed me until I was done.when then figured all this out. I say stopping to breathe looking at them 

Brian was the first to say anything 

so who was it ? where is he? he asked

I look nervously towards the door  and said   come on in love

Freddie walked in and stood beside me infront of everyone 

hello again darlings been a while I hear. he said smiling 

f f fred they said in unison shocked 

hello  he said 

only you Racheal Malek only you. rami said 

I laughed and said only me smiling at him

we sat down on my chair that's a one seater but comfortably sits 2 

so as I said we established how he got here and I told him about my brothers my Rami my job ad you know what. I say

Bri,Rodg and Rami all look at me unsure

Yes she told me i'm dead I made her, but I made sure she didn't tell me how or when I don't want to know that don't blame her. he says squeezing my hand and going over to sit beside rodg and Bri

Fred i'm sorry but I have to admit i'm really fucking happy you're here I've missed you.   Brian says

Me too. Rodger says smiling glassy eyed

Alright now we need to explain that thing I told you a few months ago. looking at them scared shitless

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