baby you coming or what?(20)

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Racheal's p.o.v

Its been 3 months since that excruciating night and thankfully baby has been good ever since.

Currently i'm now 3 days over due and i'm surprisingly not that uncomfortable yet.Rami has been working as close to home as he can he is currently 2 hours away but still close enough incase.

Zyan and Kit are both staying at the house today incase I go into labour dad and Rory are out for the day.

Kit and I are upstairs folding and putting away laundry catching  up on things we have missed
so any where further with Stephen yet? I ask kit who is putting the laundry in the drawer

he blushes

you have ohhh spill please.i beg

I may have a new boyfriend.he says shy

aw cute. I think watching him get flushed

how long?I ask

a few months.he admits

what? you little shit for keeping it form me  I say

I know im sorry I just wanted to make sure.he says

I through my head back and groan childlike

I hate when your'e sensible and right I say and pout

he laughs

so when do I get to meet him?I ask a few minutes later

he smiles

soon i'm meeting him later today I will ask him then?

Aww thank you. I say

30 minutes later kit is talking away about his new project he is working on and Im already really excited for it

I start to feel stomach pains but don't say anything

suddenly I feel my water break and a contraction soon after but I stay quiet

when kit stops talking he notices my face is straight and showing my pain

Rach what is it the baby? he ask coming over to me

I nod

water broke a few minutes ago and getting contractions now. I say

Jesus.he mutters and walks to the door

ZYAN rach's in labour get your arse here. he yells

seconds later zyan's skidding into the room wide eyes

hospital we need to go. he finally get outs a few tries later

once the contraction passed I spoke

phone Rami i don't think the baby is going to be very patience and phone Rory tell him to come in a few hours or wait in the waiting room I don't want dad to see me in pain.i say

ok on it. kit said

kit can you grab the hospital bag and meet us in the car. Z can your walk with me to the car.i ask

sure replies Z

kit nods and walks out of the room on the phone with Rami

Z helps me into the car and a few minutes later kit is in the car and we are driving to the hospital

well? I ask kit

rami is on his way he will meet us at the hospital as its around half way and your dad wouldn't just sit still so Rory and your dad will be there too.i have also group text the brothers,borhap group and rorger,brian and John.who all say good luck and to let them know if you need anything. kit says

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