fun (17)

35 3 1

my p.o.v

its been 3 and a bit  months since the show Freds still here and Rory and him are dating, im really happy for them.

we are heading to do a photo shoot today my brothers,rami,me,bohap boys,bri,rog to do a fucking long and massive shoot and this is how I will announce officially im pregnant im really excited its causal and formal my favourite type of shoot

hey little one . kit says walking in to the studio 

hi big are you?  I ask

fine long night couldn't sleep no matter what I tried. he says 

so I take him aside for a little more privacy 

what's wrong? anything you'r nervous about or scared what's up?  I ask worried

nothings wrong, im scared I think.  I think im gay or at least bi I don't know what to do. he says scared

oh honey you know I still love you, and im very proud of you for even admitting this to me that takes strength but what about rose your engaged is that what's keeping you back? I ask

he nods 

I sigh   

well don't let it I would be pissed if I was her and I found out that you had been questioning your sexuality and didn't tell me and I enenvertantly allowed you to what has suddenly made you question yourself? have you met someone ?  I ask

he blushes and nods 

aww ok show me a picture/ do you have one? what's he like?  I rush out in questions. 

kit laughed and gets his phone out

I squeaked  holt fuck  Fuck  how the FUCK did you meet that god of a man  I say still drooling over this man

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I squeaked  holt fuck  Fuck  how the FUCK did you meet that god of a man  I say still drooling over this man.damm my hormones

I had to do a shoot for GQ and I met him in the building and we have been talking ever since.

baby what are you two doing and why are you drooling?   Rami suddenly appears out of no where startling us 

sorry needed to talk to kit . I say wiping my mouth

hmm about?  rami ask's

I look to kit for permission which he nods yes

kits questioning his sexuality and he showed me the man that's brought this on and damm is he enough to change anyone.  I say 

oh really?  Rami says raising and eyebrow I nod then stop abruptly realising what I said and knowing I can't turn back 

yes, but I have my own sex god so don't go all jealous and anyway look and tell me he's not gorgeous.  I say hoping he believes me

hmm show me. he says to kit still looking at me with heavy lust and possession in his eyes

kit shows him 

he stares wide eyed then looks at me and reluctantly nods I smile inside and stay quite

Rami walks up to me grabs my hips roughly and whispers into my ear

remember i'm the one pounding you everynight, getting you so wet then fucking you till you come multiple with my cock then my mouth and fingers ok baby girl.oh and i'm going to punish you tonight so when we get home be naked lying down on our bed wet ok? he says suductively

I nod then he walks away

I shout out   IS THAT A PROMISE he just laughed and kept walking

kit just laughed out loud and I turn to him with a smug look.kit and I always talk all things sex and relationship bluntly but only just us the others would feel awkward.i then turn back and say 

get yourself a rami and you won't regret it ever I promise.but on a serious note.

who do you like more? who makes your heart flutter more? who makes you laugh and smile more? who makes you happier? who turns you on more? who gets you cock harder? answer those questions and you have your answer. I say 

he breathes and thinks for a while then looks at me and says

Stephen.he says smiling 

I smile widely 

ok yay no after this is all finished sort out the shit with rose and go get your man and bring him to meet me soon doesn't have to be everyone just me and baby maybe Rami. I say 

He nods 

I hug him 

I love you don't ever be afraid to love no matter what.i say

thank you.your the best sister I could ever have. kits says

good cause i'm your only sister.i say 

how are you and the baby I haven't had the chance to ask in a few days. kit asks

we are good morning sickness is still apparent but its worth it and I just need to eat light and little and often.i say

good your bump is adorable.he says cupping my bump I smile

as the day goes on we get some absolutely stunning photos

we got shoots with everyone bar dad sadly he can't be in the photos but is certainly here supporting us

shots with Rami and I

me with my bump of full view with all my brothers around and some one on one goofy shots with my brothers 

as well as shots with Brian and Roger as unknown to them they are 1 set of god parents to the child.

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