surprise (3)

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what my outfit is 

My p.o.v

Freddie mercury I say in a small voice

sorry what's was that they say 

FREDDIE MERCURY I yell looking down

its been silent for a while so I look up to see to see open mouths and wide eyes

seriously? asked Niall in a timid voice 

yes can you see why now I triple checked and laughed in their face. I say

They then one by one look at me with pity and sadness when they remember he has passed

Don't look at me like that please. I can't explain how destroyed I was to find out he was my father due to that fact I would never meet him and it kills me I couldn't make things better for him in his time of need, but I can't think like that if I know one thing about Freddie is his heart is huge and he didn't like for people to hurt like I am so I'm making sure I can be happy and that's not to say I don't wish more that anything he was here I mean I wish almost more than how much I want kids and you know how much I want kids .but I have people here who will hopefully tell me more about him and that is the way I will have to get to know him and for that im grateful I have the chance to do that.         I say tears streaming down my face

Of course we will love we would be honoured.     Rodger said Brian nodding 

thank you     I say 

I look to my brothers they are all either teary eyed or crying they then all came running to hug me and murmurs of I love you , you will be ok sound into my ears.

the day carried on all of us sat down to watch a queen concert as per Rodgers suggestion 

I sat between Brian with Rodger to Brian left and to my right Louis who was hugging me the whole Time the others sat around us watching with aww on there faces ,half way threw I looked to me husband to see him watching me in aww of how much better I looked to yesterday I smiled and snuggled back into Louis ad watched the rest of the concert watching Freddie with nothing but aww love and a little bit of sorrow . I woke up 5 hours later it was 2am I looked around to see Louis and my brothers either side of me Brian Rodger and the bohap crew must be sleeping upstairs or have gone home. smiled looking around then looked out to the sky and said 

I wish you where here dad love you 

snuggling into my. brothers going to sleep with a smile on my face

Damm straight im a MercuryWhere stories live. Discover now