babe is that you (5)

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my p.o.v

I heard someone sneeze and thought it was my hubby so I yelled Hello

babe your home  I thought you would not be home till dinner it 12, how's Brian and Rodger they well? I texted them to say they should come for dinner tonight.                                                     I say walking to the front door only to find a large dirty muscular man looking down confused

what are you doing in my house  he said  confused looking to the ground

what do you mean this is my house I bought it with my husband 3 years ago .who are you?  I say 

what do you mean who am I? iown this house  he said looking up to face her. 

holy fuck  I  yelped wide eyed feeling very  sick 

he went to say something but I covered my mouth and ran to the bathroom and started vomiting harshly a while ,later I heard him knocking the door asking my if I was ok I couldn't reply and keeped vomiting only to here him come in and hold my hair back and rub my back saying

its ok let it out its alright darling .

once I had finished he got me some water then I just looked at him in aww and confusion ,only confusion 

ok i'm only going to ask this once how the fuck is Freddie mercury in my house let alone cover in an inch of dust.   I ask 

well darling I have no fucking clue one minute I was waling threw my house after and earthquake then the next I slipped and woke up here. which is where exactly ?

my house Kensington London 19 June 2020  I say 

holy fuck I was in 1975  he says

well fuck . pleasure to meet you Freddie I'm Racheal Harrington .  I say smiling holding my hand out to shake

he hold his hand out and we shake  him saying  Freddie mercury with a smile 

well somehow you have travelled 45 years into the future Freddie well done  I say smirking

he eyes me with a sense of familiarity but smiles non the less you don't seem shocked or scares me.     I say 

do I know you somehow you seem like I should know everything about you?  he questions

in a way yes but is there any question you would like to ask me? I say

he thought on it before saying

well when you called out you said Brian and Rodger are they the same Brian and Rodger for me ? he questions nevously 

I smile and say.  yes they are my family Brian is has been the  father figure in my life for some years now and Rodger is the best uncle one could have they are coming for dinner tonight you can see them if you want  they can help me explain some stuff to you.  I say

am I alive in this time ?   he ask scared 

my eyes go wide in shock 

Jesus Freddie why would you want to know that ?  I say

cause I do answer me please don't tell me specifics I don't want to know them but I do want to know am I alive?  he says

No your not I'm sorry love. I say sorrowfully

So for me to be here is risky then ? he asks

Yes it is but I will introduce you to my family I trust them with my life. I say trying to comfort him 

Tell me about yourself please . he asks

Ok I have 5 half brothers and 1 full brother  we all share the same mother we all are in the industry my five half brothers are singers and bloody amazing one at that my full brother is and actor and I and an actor and singer. in order of birth there is kit 32, Louis 27 , Zayn 26 ,Liam 25 ,Niall 25 ,Harry 24 and I'm 23.Niall and Liam are Irish twins and i'm the closest to Zayn.i have 2 nephews Louis son Freddie and Liams son Bear .i'm also married to a man called Rami Malek different family of Malek's. I say 

Wow that a large family what about your mother and where is your accent from?  he ask curious 

well my mother was great until she found drugs and kit took to making sure we where looked after. But as it fell kit stayed with his father and the rest of us as we each came along where in different parts of the country kit was in London with his father, Louis was in Doncaster with his fathers sister, Zayn was in Bradford with his father who is Pakistani ,Liam was in Wolverhampton with his aunt, Niall was in Mullingar Ireland ,and harry was in Cheshire with his fathers mother and by the time I came around I was to live with kit and his father I then moved to Belfast with kit when he was 21 and I was 10 when he got cast in an amazingly popular show so I have a northern Irish accent.

fuck me that confusing as fuck. he exclaimed  smiling 

I laughed and said try remembering all that plus every birthday and important event . I say still laughing

ok how'd you meet your husband ? he asked 

emm that's a story for who Brian and Rodger get here along with Rami. but for know while I go make dinner why don't you go shower and I will bring you clothes into the spare bedroom and you will be staying with me whilst your here.  I say looking down but smiling

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