what you think? (8)

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my p.o.v

I woke up Rami still wrapped around me.i felt sick only when I turn to look at the clock did I know I was going to vomit.i sprinted to the toilet only just making it before I emptied my stomach contents. whimpering tears streaming down my face

oh baby girl its okay  shh its okay. he says rubbing my back

after a while i'm done and sitting till my stomach 

I'm sorry baby girl I caused this   he said guilt written all over his face

Its alright I wouldn't change it for the world its all I've ever wanted and its with you id go threw years of the sickness for the outcome.  I say

you're amazing baby I hope our child is exactly like you . he says

I love you he says 

once im showered and dressed I go down to start breakfast and set the table while I wait for them.

20 minutes later they show up washed and dressed

good morning loves.  I say

morning baby. rami says kissing me 

morning darling. freebies says

breakfast I ready ,go sit ill bring theses over .I say lifting the pancakes

10 minutes later ,we are nearly finished,so I decided to broach the subject of the movie and my brothers 

Freddie there are some thing we didn't get talking about last night so if its ok with you can we discus them now?  I ask

of course darling  what's is it?   Freddie says

well as you know Rami and I met on set for a movie as we are both actors well I wanted to discuss the movie we were cast in .  I say

he nods

ok well we met on set for a movie called bohemian rhapsody a movie about queen, more specifically about you from when you joined till your death.  I say

oh right fuck that's not what was I expecting, whats it like?   he asked almost scared

well it starts from when you found Brian and Roger till about the last concert you all did.its done very respectfully we all made sure of that myself Brian and Roger I wouldn't have joined the movie otherwise even before I knew we were related I was extremely protective over you. I say with a small smile

ok then I suppose that's ok I trust you I won't be able to watch it tho will I?  he asks

I shake my head 

well who plays who? he asks

well I play you. rami says smiling

he's up for an Oscar for it .I say bragging 

then there's Gwilym Lee who plays Brian, Ben hardy who plays Roger,Joe Mazzello who plays John, Allen leech who's Paul prenter and lastly me I play Mary . I say looking at Freddie

so my son in law plays me and my daughter plays my love interest for the lack of a better term. he says amused 

em yes its appears so but bare in mind we didn't know you were my father till after we had finished shooting. I say 

Freddie bursts out laughing 

christ that's amazing a real mercury family affair, well done darlings. he says smirking  they won't tell a soul and I know they would love to . I ask

yes please do lets see if there as good as you say they are . Freddie says michasvly 

your so his daughter  rami says getting up to put the dishes in the kitchen .

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