Chapter 1: Faltering Hope

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   It had been only a week since they tossed Varian in jail, and people were already losing faith in helping the boy. He refused to eat, sleep, and never spoke to anyone besides for insults and rude remarks. Everyone was already giving up, everyone except for Rapunzel.

Rapunzel crept down the dungeon steps, determined to reach out this time. She walked over to the last cell, in the very far corner, where she saw a malnourished, obviously tired, angry teen. She looked at him and sat on the cold, hard dungeon floor. Which was definitely against the rules, but when did Rapunzel listen to those?

As soon as Rapunzel saw him, she felt an unpleasant stab in her heart. Although she had visited many times, it still hurt her every time she saw him. He was stripped of his apron, gloves, and googles completely. He was so thin and had bags under his eyes that were darker than coal.

When Rapunzel looked at him, he didn't even look back. He didn't even seem to notice. She gave a sad smile, "Varian? I'm back..." she said while fumbling with her fingers. He looks up at her with icy, angry eyes. "Princess," he sneered, "to what do I owe such a visit? Oh right, you're trying to 'reach out to me', now tell me, how is that going?".

Rapunzel sighed, "Varian, I know you hate me, but I know you're in there somewhere, that kid that smiled and always tried to help people out. And Even though I've said it countless times, I'm sorry, Varian, I truly am.".

Varian gritted his teeth and closed his fists in rage, which only showed how the cuffs he was wearing was tearing into his skin. The skin under was raw and red, the cuffs were obviously on too tight. Rapunzel wondered if the guards did that on purpose.

"Liar! This is all your fault! You're just trying to find an easy way out! That boy you speak of, is gone, you killed him when you refused to help!" He yelled at her while standing up. Ruddiger ran to the other side of the cell, scared of Varian's sudden aggression. Varian noticed this and sat back down in his corner, allowing Ruddiger to crawl back onto his lap.

Rapunzel jumped at Varian's yelling, and prisoners around them started to notice too. "Varian I-" "Shut up. I don't want to see your face. Go away. Now." Varian interrupted.

Rapunzel sighed again, she got up and was about to walk away, but said "I won't give up on you, Varian.".

Varian shot a dirty look at her while she walked away. "Oh so now she wants  to help me," he thought, "where was she when I actually needed her?!".

Varian stroked Ruddiger's fur and sighed, "Who am I kidding? I'm a lost cause, I will rot here in jail- and it's all her fault.".

Chapter End.

Author's Note: What did you think? I'm super stoked to write as much as I can and update daily (I hope). Get ready for the angst, my boys! Also thanks again for my followers who said I should write this! Y'all are amazing!

Follow my Instagram @A_Varian_Fan03

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