Chapter 10: Big Plans

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   Everyone woke up and immediately began to walk through the tunnels and caves. Varian struggled to keep up but Rapunzel helped him keep moving, despite the fact he told her not to.

Varian also noticed his leg and cuts were bandaged up. He didn't know how he felt about that. Rapunzel also took her knife back and made sure he wasn't near any sharp objects he could hurt himself with. He appreciated the effort, but with the demon around, he'll always find a way to hurt himself.

They kept walking and Varian looked to see the what was most likely the exit. "I see a light..." He faintly says, squinting his eyes. Everyone looked at him, concern and fear on their faces. "Don't go towards it!" Eugene cries out. "W-What?! No, not like that! I mean I see the exit!" He quickly replied, stunned by their concern. "Hey, so do I!" Rapunzel exclaimed, "Good eye, Varian!" Varian felt flustered, he wasn't used to compliments.

The gang climbed out of the cave and squinted at the bright sun, after being in that cave for days, the sun would take some getting used to. Then, all of a sudden, they all stopped. They were in the exact same spot when they got into the cave. "How is this possible?! How can we enter and exit in the same spot??" Cassandra yelled, pointing at the toppled tree. "Does it matter?! Let's just head to the caravan and get out of here!" Eugene called to the others as he jumps over the fallen tree.

Everyone was quick to follow him, except for Varian. Varian just stared to the edge of the cliff. He wasn't thinking about suicide, but something about the cliff was alluring.

"Jump off, Varian." The voice whispered, "Jump off and let it all end."

Varian didn't know what to say or do, but before he could decide, Rapunzel rushes over to him and grabs his arm, dragging him away from the cliff. Everyone came over to the caravan and were surprised to see it still intact. With the speed of lightning, they hopped into the caravan and began to follow the rocks once more.

Everything was going alright until the rocks led to the ocean. Everyone was bickering and arguing on how to follow the rocks. Varian would have given a suggestion, but he didn't feel like he deserved for his voice to be heard. After some time, however, Varian couldn't take it anymore. He opened his mouth to speak, but heard the voice speak to him instead.

"Don't you say anything. It's not like you have anything worth to say."

Varian closed his lips shut, and looked around. He slowly got up and stumbled into the forest behind them. He wandered for a bit and made sure he was alone.

"What do you want?" He asked the demon.

"For you to suffer, that is your punishment for all the terrible things you have done." The voice replied.

"Is that all? You want something else, that can't just be it..." Varian whispered.

"I am a beast of justice. You know full well what must be done."

"But what if I don't want to-"

"Does it matter what you want?! Tell me boy, do you want to continue to feel this torment? Do you want to continue to suffer? If so, stay alive, but it will only get worse. But if that isn't what you desire, I suggest ending it quickly. It will all be over, you will be happy again, you will see your family. Wouldn't that be nice? Isn't that better?"

Varian thought deeply, yes, he did indeed want it, he wanted it so badly. But would ending his life be worth it? He thought again, yes, it would, he deserved to die, but most importantly, the pain will finally end. "But what about Rapunzel?" He pondered, "Get over yourself, Varian. You are nothing but an inconvenience."

Varian sighed, "It's decided, I'm gonna do it. I will do it."

The Medallion Demon smiled as he heard Varian think those words, his plan was working. Once the boy kills himself, he can take over, and free Zhan Tiri.

"Varian?" A soft voice cuts in, it was Rapunzel, looking for Varian in the woods. Varian trips as he stumbles towards her, "Here." He said, his voice empty. Rapunzel looked into his eyes, they were hollow, with no give in them. Rapunzel shivered, she did not enjoy seeing him like this. "Um, Lance suggested we turn the caravan into a boat, so we're gonna start building. I was wondering if you could help? You know, since you know about this kind of stuff way more than any of us." She said, a sense of unsureness in her voice, she had no idea how Varian would react.

"No I don't. Sorry Rapunzel, but I am of no use. You're gonna be fine without me." He said, his voice still empty and almost sorrowful. Rapunzel sighed, there wasn't a point in arguing. "Can you at least try not to run off? I'm really worried about you." Rapunzel said, concerned of what the monster says to Varian when he is alone. "I won't, but please don't worry about me, ever. I don't want you to worry anymore..." He said, almost pleading.

"Princess? Can you help us a little? I think Cass is about to tear Eugene's head off." Lance interrupted. Rapunzel groaned, this wasn't a good time for arguing, again. Rapunzel grabbed Varian's arm, forgetting the cuts. Varian winced in pain, the cuts reopening from her sudden grab. Rapunzel was rushing back to the gang, but she felt her hand get moist. She stopped, and looked at her hand.


She shivered, and suddenly remembered the cuts on his arm. Rapunzel looked at Varian, who clenched his teeth from the pain. "Oh no...Varian-I am so sorry..." She whispered to him. "N-No it's fine, just let it be..." He said back, tears forming in his eyes. His arm was burning, blood was seeping through the bandages. "Here let me help you-" "I said it's fine!" Varian shouted at Rapunzel, moving his arm away from her. Rapunzel stepped back, but kept her cool. She held out her arm, "Give me your arm, Varian." She sternly demanded, "No I-" "Varian, now." She interrupted, furrowing her eyebrows.

Varian sighs, "If it helps her to stop worrying about me." He held out his arm, Rapunzel took it, smiling.

"Maybe I am getting to him, maybe I can fix him." She happily said to herself, "It may take a while, but it will be worth it."

Little did she know that Varian wasn't planning to stay for that long.

Chapter End.


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