Chapter 13: The Dusk

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The gang didn't know what to do at first, they just stood there while they watched Varian hug a tree and call it Mom and Dad. That definitely made everyone uncomfortable, especially when they saw Varian freak out at something the illusion of his father said. They all just stared as Varian collapsed to his knees, sobbing.

Rapunzel was the first to act, she ran over to Varian to comfort him. The rest of the gang, however, ran to retrieve the totem. Rapunzel hugged him closely, whispering him words of encouragement. He didn't tell her to stop or leave him alone, he didn't even seem to notice her wrap her arms around him. Varian just continued to cry, he was shaking, and only listening to the demon.

"See? She knew this would happen, she tried to give it to you earlier, she wanted you to suffer." The demon began, practically shouting in Varian's head.

"She hates you."

"They all hate you."

"You are nothing but a burden."

"You are a waste of life."

"End it."

"Just, end it."

"Just die."

The demon continued, and Varian couldn't take it anymore. He started to scream and cover his ears, desperate to block it all out.

"GO AWAY! JUST LEAVE ME ALONE!" Varian screamed on the top of his lungs, clutching harder onto his ears and cracking his voice.

Rapunzel was confused, was he talking to her? If he was, she didn't care, she needed to help. But something was telling Rapunzel that she wasn't the only person he was talking to. She held on harder, trying to talk to him. "Just please, go away..." Varian continued to mutter as he cried, his voice was choking and distant. The scar on his leg was starting to burn and his head felt like it was being sliced in half.

The crying didn't go away, it wasn't slowing down or getting quieter. The sun was starting to set, and it seemed that they would be there forever, until, Varian spoke. "Rapunzel...? I-I want to be alone right now..." He muttered to her, tripping over his words. Rapunzel sighed, and broke from the hug, "Sure, but please be back for the dinner." She replied, giving him a reassuring smile. He nodded, not turning in her direction or looking at her. She left to find the others who selfishly ran after the totem.

"It's shame I'm not sticking around for dinner." He thought, standing up to head to the shelter.

He snuck inside the building as the gang fight over the totem and Rapunzel run away with it. He rummaged through the cabinets and chests, looking for the tools he needs. He found paper, ink, a knife, and most importantly, a rope. He scribbled a letter on the paper with the ink, left it there, and stumbled outside to the cliffs.

He watched as the leaf creatures speak to Rapunzel, as she hands them the totem, muttering the words "It's too dangerous." He would've stayed to watch, but didn't have the time. He tripped and stumbled some more until he finally reached the highest peak, cliffs and trees accompanying it. He looked to his left and saw it-the perfect tree to do the deed. He knelt down and started to unwrap the bandages over the cuts on his arms. He stared at the cuts, disgusted but in a sick way, pleased. He was disgusted because the cuts looked horrible, bulging and blood-red. But he was pleased with the work, the work that he was going to continue and finish.

He grabbed the knife, and opened the scars on his arms, adding new ones as well. Meanwhile, his shadow formed into the Medallion Demon. It smiled as it watched Varian cut himself, his plan was working beautifully. Blood was dripping everywhere, Varian gritted his teeth in pain and his eyes were tearing up.

Once it was done, Varian tossed the knife to the side and grabbed the rope. He glanced once more at the tree, one of the branches went over the cliffs, leaving a sort of overhang. It was perfect. He started to tie the rope into a familiar shape, one that has haunted him in his rare sleep for weeks.

It was a noose.

Varian looked over his shoulder and saw the smoke from the fire, the gang must have started dinner. The stars were shining bright, the moon illuminated the whole island. Crickets and wind were the only sounds around Varian, but despite the scenery, he didn't seem to notice. The only thing that mattered was finishing the task at hand.

The last task Varian would ever take.

Meanwhile, Rapunzel's gang sat around the fire and started to cook the dinner. The totem without them.

Before catastrophe, Rapunzel took the totem from everyone and gave it back to the lorbs to destroy. She was sad to not have the totem to make her happy, but after seeing what it did to Varian, she decided it was best.

"Hey, Raps, dinners ready." Cassandra said to Rapunzel, breaking her out of her train of thought. "S-sure, can someone go get Varian and tell him it's time to eat?" Rapunzel asked, standing up to get her serving. "I'll go!" Lance said, heading over to where they last saw him.

A few minutes later, Lance came running back. "He isn't there! I checked the whole area! He disappeared!" Lance said out of breath. "What?!" Rapunzel shouted, sitting up in panic. "Are you sure?" Eugene piped in, "Very sure!" Lance replied, biting on his nails in panic. "Then we should start looking for him." Cassandra said, "We'll take different sections of the island to cover more footing, shout if you find him." She commanded, pointing in different directions for everyone to go in. "Let's get some supplies first." Rapunzel advised, heading towards the shelter.

Once Rapunzel walked in, she noticed some things tossed on the floor and rummaged through. She walked over to her bed and saw a letter with her name on it. She picked it up, and recognized the writing, it was Varian's.

Chapter End.

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