Chapter 11: The Island

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   Right before Varian's eyes, the gang successfully turned the caravan into a boat. They all got on and started to follow the rocks in the ocean. All was going well, until a storm came. The storm rocked the boat and waves crashed onto them. Everyone was panicking. And before they knew it, the storm swallowed them whole and they all grew unconscious.

Varian didn't know when he would decide to end his own life, he just knew he had to do it. And once their boat sank, he hoped that he would drown. Everyone's bodies drifted onto the shore, still unconscious. Until one by one, they woke up. Varian didn't wake up, he stayed lying down on the beach, lifeless.

The gang ran over to him, terrified. "Varian? Varian?! Wake up, please!" Rapunzel yelled to him, shaking his body. Slowly, Varian opened his eyes, his body was stronger than he thought. He rolled onto his side and coughed up sea water and more black liquid. Eugene patted his back and Varian gasped for air.

Once Varian stopped coughing, he looked around, "W-Where are we?" He stuttered, "That is a good question." Cassandra uttered to everyone. "Oh no! We're stranded!" Lance cried out, running around everyone in panic. "I can't stay stranded! HELP!" Eugene screamed as he joined Lance in the panicking. Cassandra gave an irritated look and smacked them across the face, "We are not stranded! Let's just get the caravan and sail out of here!" Cassandra yelled to both of them. "Cass is right, we should just find the caravan." Rapunzel agrees with Cassandra, walking around to start searching.

It didn't take long for everyone to find the caravan, well, at least the pieces of it. "Oh boy, we're doomed!" Lance started to panic again, "Calm down! Sure it might take a while to fix it, but we can still do it! I say we build some shelter first, who knows how long we will be here." Rapunzel assures everyone. Suddenly, a lightbulb went off in her head. "I know! We should do a building contest! Cassandra, Varian, Pascal, and I will go against the rest of you, ok?" She exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. "Good idea, Blondie!" Eugene yelped, rushing to start.

Varian sighed, he was put on Rapunzel's team, he was a gonna be a huge detriment to the group. Varian sat on a rock and just watched Rapunzel and Cassandra begin to work. However, they left to change, leaving Varian by himself. Varian didn't want to be alone with the demon, so he went to see what the other guys were doing.

"Lance! Come over here! I need some help!" Eugene called out to Lance. "Coming!" Lance shouted back, carrying a huge log. Varian stood behind Lance, trying to see what he was doing. Varian was so close to seeing until...SMACK! Varian got hit in the head with the log Lance was holding.

Varian felt dizzy, he leaned against a tree, trying to look at his surroundings. Everything started to blur, Varian tried to call out for the others, but before he could, he fell flat onto the floor. "Did you hear that?" Lance said, dropping the log. "Yeah, do you see where it-OH MY GOD YOU KNOCKED OUT THE POOR KID!" Eugene screamed as he looked for a pulse on Varian.


"Oh thank goodness! Lance, you idiot! Look at what you did!" Eugene scolded Lance. "H-Hey,
it wasn't my fault!" Lance stuttered back, panicking. "It's fine! Let's just make sure he stays alive." Eugene assures Lance, carrying the body.

Varian woke up and his head was aching, "Did I just get a concussion? Ugh, that should've just killed me right then and there." He thought, rubbing his temples.

Varian's ears perked up, did he hear music? He sat up, and saw that he was in a strange shelter. He stumbled out of the bed, and walked towards the window. He looked outside, and saw a strange scene.

It was night, a fire was lit and the group surrounded it. Lance and Hookfoot were dancing, Cassandra, Pascal, Rapunzel, and Eugene were sitting on a log, and theses strange leaf-creatures were singing and playing music. Maximus, Fidella, Shorty, and Ruddiger were sitting by, watching the show.

"I swear, these people have the craziest adventures when I'm gone." Varian thought to himself, heading towards the door to head outside.

"Where do you think you're going? Don't you dare. They don't want you there, leave them to be happy." The demon said to Varian in his head.

Varian sighed, and left to sleep again.

"Actually, stay awake. Stay restless as punishment, or, you can end it tonight." The demon taunted Varian.

Varian sat to think for a bit, should he do it tonight? "That would be nice...but will they notice?" He wondered, looking back at them. He felt sick thinking of how they will react.

"Enough of that, they wouldn't care, they shouldn't. They would move one, live their happy lives while I end mine. It will all be peaceful..." He fantasized, thinking about his demise brought a sickening grin on his face.

Varian snapped back into reality, "I won't do it tonight, that'll be too suspicious. I'll figure out when I have to later..." He thought, lying back down.

Varian didn't sleep, he just stared at the night sky and kept thinking. He didn't want to sleep, he just wanted to think. Think about the terrible things he had done, think about the pain he is enduring, and think about how he would end his own life.

Morning came slowly, and Varian sat up to hear the gang chatting about something. Varian looked through the window and saw Rapunzel holding something.

It was brown, small, and looked like a statue. He hesitated to go downstairs, and was about to go back, until he heard Rapunzel call his name.

"Varian! Come here! Look what I've found!" Rapunzel yelped, excited to show everyone the thing. Varian went down onto the beach, almost tripping everywhere on everything.

"Raps, can you tell us what it is now?" Cassandra said impatiently.

"Oh right! Check this out!" She said while holding it up for everyone to see. "What is it?" Eugene asked, "It's a totem, wanna see what it can do?" Rapunzel replied, smiling.

Chapter End.

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