Chapter 3: A Sudden Scare

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   Varian froze when the Captain opened his cell. He didn't know what to think or say. He was honestly a little shocked that the king asked for him. Two other guards walked into the room, grabbed Varian by the shoulders, and proceeded to walk through the dungeon hallway.

Once they headed upstairs, Varian's eyes immediately shut. The Sun was still bright and Varian couldn't handle it. He rubbed his eyes and tried to adjust them while walking into the throne room, "How long has it been since I've seen sunlight?" Varian wondered.

His thoughts were interrupted, however, once he saw them. The people who ruined his life, Rapunzel, Cassandra, and Eugene, all in one room. Varian couldn't help but grit his teeth in rage. As he was about to make a rude remark, he was interrupted by King Fredrick.

"Varian, we brought you here because..." His voice trailing off, "because you have received a package." Varian tilted his head, "A package? What is it? Who brought it?" He pondered, while Nigel came in with a box covered in brown wrapping.

"However," The King started again, "We don't know who brought it, or what is in there. So, we've decide to let you open your mail, yourself. But I warn you, if anything dangerous is in there, we will not hesitate to act."

Varian couldn't help but smirk, "They are actually that scared of me?" The thought almost made him laugh. But the thought was pushed aside once more questions piled in about what was actually inside the box.

Nigel reluctantly gave Varian the box, and then immediately stepped back. Varian looked around the package for a way to rip the wrapping. He began to rip it off and looked puzzled at the actual box.

The box looked old, it was made of brown wood and had a metal latch on the front. Fortunately, the latch wasn't locked and when Varian opened it, he gave an even more puzzling look.

Rapunzel, Cassandra, and Eugene stepped closer to see what was inside, letting curiosity take over their fear of Varian.

Inside the box was a medallion of some kind. It had a metal chain and was attached to a strange decoration. The decoration was a peculiar, magenta eye, surrounded by a golden outline.

Varian was about of pick it up when all of a sudden, a gust of black smoke bursted out of the box. And from that smoke came a shadowy figure, towering over everyone. The shadow had blood-shot eyes, a terrifying smile, and devil horns.

The room became dark, and the shadow laughed. "That's the same voice from my nightmare!" Varian thought as he dropped the box in fear. Everyone in the room screamed and ducked for cover, everyone except for Varian, at least.

Varian froze in fear. He couldn't move, speak, or do anything. He just stood there, paralyzed. Rapunzel screamed his name, motioning him to take cover with her. No response.

Varian started to silently cry, "This is how I'll die," he thought, "I'll never free my father or get out of jail."

He screamed as the monster picked him up with its huge, sharp claws. Varian got out of his temporary paralysis and tried his best to break free of the monster's grasp. But it got its sharp claws, and brought out a needle with the same eye-decor as the medallion.

Before Varian knew it, the beast was sewing Varian's lips shut.

It hurt like hell, but there wasn't any blood. The thread was dark, and looked more like a shadow than a thread. Before the monster could continue the horror, Rapunzel jumped out her hiding spot and grabbed the medallion.

Once Rapunzel grabbed the medallion, a magenta ray came out of it and blasted the beast, making it go inside it. But before it was fully sucked, it grabbed Varian's leg, and made a huge gash into it.

Varian cried in anger, and as soon as the monster was inside the medallion, the sewing around Varian's lips were gone.

Everyone was silent, shocked about what just happened. Varian breathed heavily, trying to take in the events that just occurred. He immediately put his hand onto his mouth, feeling for any sewing or thread. Once he felt nothing, he let out a big sigh of relief. But immediately felt a rush of pain on his leg. He sucked the air through his teeth because of the stinging, he looked around to see everyone's faces, still frozen in shock.

"W-what just happened?" Eugene stuttered while looking around the room. "I-I have no idea..." Cassandra said out of breath.

"Th-the medallion!" Rapunzel cries out in fear, "It's gone!"

Chapter End.

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