Chapter 8: True Intentions

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  Rapunzel, Eugene, Cassandra, Lance, and Shorty all woke up in the cave. The fire from last night was diminished into embers, and it was really dark inside. "Guys? Where did the entrance go?" Rapunzel asked her group. "How are we supposed to know?" Lance said back, tripping over Eugene in the dark.

The entrance of the cave was blocked by a giant boulder, Cassandra tried with all her might to push it out of the way, but it didn't budge. "It won't move!" She yelled, still trying to push the huge rock. "Guys, look! There is a tunnel in the back of the cave!" Eugene called out to the others. "Looks like it's our only choice of getting out of here..." Cassandra said to Rapunzel, Rapunzel nods, and starts to head down the tunnel. She stopped, "Wait, what about Varian?" She asked the rest of the group, turning around to look at his sleeping body. "Dang, that kid is out cold." Eugene commented jokingly, everyone turned to Lance.

"Oh, come on!" He groaned, "Just pick him up, you sack of potatoes." Cassandra snorted. "What am I? A shelf? I can't keep holding him!" Lance complained as he picked up Varian. They all groaned in unison.

They walked down the dark tunnel, with only the light from Rapunzel's new-lit torch to guide them. Varian slowly opened his eyes and found himself in Lance's arms. "W-What's going on?" He asked, trembling. "Oh! You're awake! The entrance to the cave was blocked, we're taking this tunnel." Rapunzel chirped, even in the most difficult situations, Rapunzel still brings out a smile.

"You don't deserve any compassion, she's scared of you, they all are." The voice in the Varian's head said to him.

Varian sighed and looked at Lance, "I can walk now..." He mumbles to him. "You kidding? With your leg? Just relax, kid." Lance says to Varian. Varian sighs again, "There is no point in arguing, he's right, I can barely stand up." Varian thinks to himself.

With nothing left to do, Varian tries to fall back asleep. The gang kept walking, they didn't know for how long, but they were definitely losing hope. "Raps, maybe we should go back." Cassandra advices to Rapunzel. "Cass, we might be getting close...Hey, look! I see something on the other side! Its too dark though, I can't tell what it is!" Rapunzel shouts to others while running to the other side.

Everyone slowly follows behind but rushes over once they hear Rapunzel gasp. "What is it, Blondie?!" Eugene asks out of breath, "Eugene! I think we're in a cavern! Isn't it beautiful?!" Rapunzel says with a gleam in her eye.

The cavern was indeed, beautiful. But Rapunzel notices something written on some of the walls. "What's this?" Rapunzel said to herself, staring at the writings. "It looks like some kind of hieroglyphics." Cassandra notes while moving her hand over the drawings. "Hey! There is a translated part here on the side!" Eugene calls out to the gang. They all look over to see the translated part of the hieroglyphics

"The legend of The Medallion Demon," Rapunzel begins to read,

"known for possession and physiological damage. The beast can go into the mind of someone in many ways. One of his favorite ways is to leave a mark on their victim's body, or to make them wear the infamous medallion. He can silence the victims from ever talking about him by sewing their lips shut. He slowly posses people by making them go insane, doubt themselves, hate themselves, hurt themselves, and even end their own lives. He can only take full possession if the victim kills them self, and when he does, all havoc breaks lose. Whatever you do, DON'T TOUCH THE MEDALLION OR LET HIM GET NEAR YOU! IF HE TAKES OVER, ALL IS LOST."

They all step back and an awkward silence ensued. "The medallion, oh my goodness...Varian?" As soon as Rapunzel said Varian's name, their torch went out. The cavern was pitch black, and a mischievous snicker echoed through the walls.

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