Chapter 4: Call To Adventure

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   Varian struggled to get up and fell once more pain shot through his leg. Tears were forming in his eyes and the cuffs continued to pierce into his skin. Everyone else in the room was cleaning up and checking on each other to see if they were okay.

Nigel began to yell, "I knew that box was no good! That boy did this on purpose!" Varian shot a dirty look at him, and was about to respond until everything became pitch black.

Varian had fainted.

"Varian!" Rapunzel cried as she ran over to see if he was okay. The gash in his leg was bleeding, and his hands were pale because of the tight cuffs. "Get him over to the infirmary, now!" She ordered the guards, they ran over and carried Varian out of the room. "Nigel is right, that box was dangerous and clearly Varian tried to use it to hurt everyone." King Fredrick said while walking to Rapunzel. "That's ridiculous! If that 'thing' was meant to hurt us, then why was he targeted?!" Rapunzel yelled to her father. "She's right, the demon attacked him and only scared us, I doubt that this some part of an elaborate plan." Cassandra chimed in, "Blondie is right, I'm sure that the kid didn't even know what was in there!" Eugene said.

The doors came wide open as the queen stepped in, "Sorry I'm late, I had to deal with some things," She said out of breath, "What on Earth happened here?"

Queen Arianna looked around and saw vases broken, curtains ripped, and a blood stain on the floor. "You wouldn't believe it! The kid opened his present and a huge demon popped out! The room became dark, it grabbed the kid, and poof! It was gone! Did I mention it had a poor taste in fashion? The medallion it was wearing looked terrifying and not very attractive!" Eugene blurted out.

"Who opened what?" The Queen questioned as she tried to pick the pieces of a broken vase. "Varian," Rapunzel said, "He received a box that had a medallion in it, and when he touched it...well, you know the rest. But the medallion is gone! It disappeared!"

"That's so very strange..." Queen Arianna's voice trailed off and looked once more at the puddle of blood, "Where is Varian now?"

"At the infirmary, that 'thing' gave his leg a good scratch." Cassandra replied. "I hope he is ok..." Queen Arianna said, clutching onto the piece of cracked vase she collected. "I'll go check on him." Rapunzel said as she gingerly walked out of the room.

Varian woke up in a bed with white sheets, and a bandage wrapped around his wounded leg. His leg felt like it was burning, Varian struggled to sit up and looked around the infirmary. He heard a soft knock and Rapunzel walked into the room, a worried and nervous expression on her face. "How pitiful," He thought, "what is she so afraid of? I can't even hurt her in this condition."

"Varian? How are you feeling?" She asked while sitting in the corner of his bed. "Oh, I'm doing great. Just dandy. It's not like my leg has a huge cut on it, I just woke up from fainting, or a demon tried to kill me or anything." He sneered, turning away from her pitiful face. She sighed, and fumbled her fingers, thinking of a response.

Ruddiger woke up from sleeping in the corner. He stretched and Varian gestured him to sit on his lap. But as soon as Ruddiger stepped towards Varian, he looked up and scampered back to the corner, fear plastered on his beady little eyes.

Varian was shocked, Ruddiger had never wanted to stay away from Varian, he was always loyal, and never got scared of him until now. Even Rapunzel was confused, she sat up and started walking to the door. She looked at Varian once more, he gave a her a death glare, she sighed again. "He is still angry," She thought, "I just wish I could fix that..."

Suddenly, an idea popped into her head, and she ran out of the infirmary to speak with her father.

Rapunzel popped into the King and Queen's bedroom, and saw her father looking out of the window, thinking. "Dad?" She called out his name, "Can I ask you something?"

"Mhm." He said in return, still looking at the window. "I was wondering...if Varian could come with us outside of Corona?" She asked with a shy smile. King Fredrick's eyes grew wide. He couldn't believe what his daughter just asked.

"What?" He asked, finally making eye contact with her, "How could I let an unstable criminal come with you outside of our kingdom?"

Rapunzel thought for a bit, "Because it could help him, Dad." She responded.

"How on Earth will that help the boy?!" He questioned her while raising his voice.

Rapunzel stepped back, but still stood her ground by putting on a brave face. "Locking him up in a prison isn't going to help him get better, he still hates us and it is only growing by day. Not to mention that a boy his age shouldn't be in jail, it is far too unhealthy! You saw how he looked! He was so thin, so tired, and so hurt. His eyes were squinting at sunlight! If you trust my judgment, you will know that I know what I'm doing."

"Rapunzel, I trust you, but to let the boy be free-" he said before being cut off. "He doesn't have to be free, we could still cuff him and have him under surveillance. But if you really trusted me, then believe that I got this." Rapunzel said while looking at her father with a reassuring smile.

King Fredrick thought for a bit, paced around his room and sighed, "You have my permission to leave."

Rapunzel beamed and kisses him on the cheek, "Thank you, Dad!" She yelled while running out of the room.

Varian sat in the room, still trying to get Ruddiger to come to him. Still, no response. He was about to give up until Rapunzel bursted into the room.

Varian gave her an irritated look, "Get ready for an adventure, Varian! You're coming with us outside of Corona!" She yelped.

All the anger in Varian's face left, "We're doing what?" He asked.

Chapter End.

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