Chapter 2: A Strange Delivery

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   The Sun shined brightly and wrapped it's arms around Corona for the welcome of a new day. Rapunzel skipped through the castle halls and went into the throne room to speak to her father.

"Hi, Dad!" She chirped to him as he perks up from his throne. "Hello, Rapunzel, tell me, how are the preparations going for your trip?" King Fredrick asked, "Smooth as silk!" She said in return.

"Raps, I think it's time to start picking our outfits for the trip, it is in like, 3 days." Cassandra piped in as she walked into the throne room. "Hey, Blondie! Can I ask you something?" Eugene said as she strutted into the room. "Sure! What is it?" Rapunzel asked while beaming, "Since you are such an amazing artist, I want you to paint this beautiful face before we head on our trip!" Eugene said as he stroke a pose.

Rapunzel was about to reply, until she heard Nigel interrupt the conversation. "A package has arrived, your Highness." He said as he bowed to Rapunzel's father. "A package? Well, let me see it." He replies while standing up. "Don't worry I've got it!" Rapunzel chimed in as she grabbed the box from a servant.

The package was covered in a brown wrapping, and seemed pretty heavy despite its small size. She placed in into her father's hands and he started looking for a place to unwrap it. But as he was looking around, he noticed some writing on the bottom.

"To: Varian", the writing said. At first, he couldn't believe it. To Varian?, He thought, What is in the box? Who could've sent it to that brat? Rapunzel noticed the writing too and a million questions started to run through her head. "I-It's for V-Varian..." Rapunzel stuttered. "What? Wait, hold on, are prisoners even allowed to get mail?" Eugene questioned. "It depends on what's in the box." Cassandra said with a stern look.

King Fredrick looked emotionless and said with a strong tone, "We shouldn't give this to him. It could be dangerous! Unless we could check..."

"And invade his privacy?!" Rapunzel yelled all of a sudden, "Prisoner or not, he should still treat him as a human, not like a monster! He can barely stand up!" Cassandra crosses her arms and thinks for a bit until she says, "Rapunzel is right, but I think we should take some precaution. Perhaps we could bring him up here so we can see what is in there. And if he tries to hurt us, we'll be ready."

Eugene's eyes became wide "Woah! The cold-hearted Cassandra agreeing with someone?!" He started to smirk, "What a shocker!"

Cassandra gives him the death glare as King Fredrick and Rapunzel thought about the idea, "I guess we could do it..." Rapunzel mumbles as she looks to her father for approval, but he didn't reply, he just gave a slow, intimidating nod.

In the depths of the dungeons, Varian was sitting in the corner, petting Ruddiger. Although Varian felt bad that Ruddiger had to suffer with him, he had to admit that he was happy that he was there.

Varian, with all of his might, tries to stay awake, but dozes off.


Varian was sitting in a dark room, chained to the floor, as he heard voices shout at him.

"Your fault!"

"You deserve to rot!"

"You killed your father!"

"You are nothing but a disappointment!"

The all surrounded him as he cried and shouted for them to stop, he then heard a voice he had never heard before. The voice was growly and deep, the mere sound of it pierced into his ears.

The voice whispered into his ear, "I'm coming for you, Varian."

Varian wakes up, beads of sweat on his forehead. The Captain of the guards was banging on the cell bars, telling him to wake up. "Get up, boy. The king asks for your presence, now!" The Captain shouted at him. "For what?" Varian mumbles, "You'll see." The Captain says while unlocking his cell.

Whatever the king wanted him for, it doesn't seem good.

Chapter End.

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