Chapter 5: Swamp Of Sounds

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It all felt like a blur to Varian, being put into the caravan with Rapunzel and her group. They still put cuffs on him, but they were more loose. It was most likely Rapunzel who requested that. They have already been on quite a few adventures, and they just left Vardaros, ready to head out on the road some more.

Varian didn't do much, he just sat in the caravan with Ruddiger, who still kept his distance. He never slept, only crashed. He never spoke, only grumbled. He didn't eat unless he was about to starve. He didn't even get out much, that is until they reached The Forest Of No Return.

When they stopped suddenly, Varian stepped out of the caravan and groaned, "I guess we're walking..." he mumbled as he walked towards the group. He started to stumble and looked at his leg, "Is it just me or is my leg getting worse?" He thought as he tripped a bit more.

Then he saw her, Adira. She looked so familiar, but Varian couldn't put his finger on it. He heard Rapunzel talk about her after the thing with Stalyan, but never saw her. This, was his first time, at least that is what he thought.

Adira looked at Varian, with both sympathy and disappointment. She stepped towards Varian, who stepped back in response. Everyone around them noticed. "You must be Varian, I've heard a lot about you," Adira said, Varian nodded while looking down, "It is an honor to meet you." She uttered as she touched his shoulder. Varian flinched, but didn't say anything, he couldn't understand why some random lady would find it honoring to meet him.

While walking through the woods, Varian found it amusing to see Eugene struggle and get embarrassed by Adira, who kept her calm the entire time. Sometimes, Varian would even let out a little chuckle, and then cover his mouth in surprise. Every time he would chuckle, it would make Rapunzel's heart soar, even if it was just a little laugh.

After a whole day of Eugene screwing up, the night came in and everyone was getting ready to camp. Adira brought in amazing food and they were all enjoying the food and fire, everyone except for Varian, at least. He sat a few feet away from everyone by a nearby tree to look at the stars. Rapunzel noticed this and walked over to him.

"Here, you should have some." She insisted, handing him a plate of food. He looked at her with spite, "I don't want your pity, just leave me alone." He tried to say with anger, but was too tired to give in the energy. Rapunzel was a bit surprised, instead of sounding hateful, he just sounded tired, "He needs to rest." She pondered as she walked away back to the camp.

Adira stood up, and sauntered over to the boy by the tree. "Hey kid, come walk with me." She called out to him while heading away from the camp. Varian sighed, "Why not" He thought as he trudged over to Adira.

Adira stood tall, staring at the moon, and heard Varian's cuffs click and clack as he walked towards her. "I knew your father, Varian," She said with ease, "He would send letters to me and talk about you. Talked about how bright and intelligent you were, and how you always wanted to help. I understand that you went through a lot, but looking at you now..." She trailed off, thinking and taking a breath. "You are absolutely nothing like how he described you." She now spoke with a stern and almost dissatisfied tone.

Varian felt overwhelmed with rage, he wanted to yell at her, or tell her that she was wrong. But he suddenly felt really weak, "Did you only want me here to tell me how much of a disappointment I am?" Were the only words he could muster up before he collapsed on his knees, gasping for air.

Then all of a sudden, Varian fainted.

"Varian? Varian? Varian!" He heard Rapunzel call out as he slowly opened his eyes. "Varian? What happened?" Rapunzel asked as she held his head while he lied on the floor. "I-I don't know..." He mumbled as he tries to sit up. He immediately falls down on his back again with a big thud, "M-my leg..." He whispered, pointing to his wounded leg with a shaky arm.

Rapunzel unbandaged his wounded and leg and inspected it. "It looks like it got worse..." Cassandra implied while also examining it. "Well guys, I think it's time we start walking again, we don't wanna be eaten by a mushroom again, do we?" Eugene jokes while putting out the fire. "I think that was just you, dude." Lance remarks. "Lance, I swear to-" "Enough! We should stay a little longer, Varian's leg is a little messed up and he needs rest." Rapunzel interrupts. Varian grits his teeth from both pain and anger, "I'm fine, let's just get out of here." He says while sitting up, which took way too much effort than it should've. "The kid's right, we can't let an injury get in the way of our escape." Adira affirmed, taking steps onto the path, assuming the role of the leader once again.

They walked for some more time, and the more they went, the harder it got for Varian to keep up. But once he finally caught up, he heard something. It sounded quiet at first, but got louder, until, it sounded like whispers. "Did you hear that?" Varian said to everyone. They all stopped, waiting for something to hear. "Flies?" Lance responded, "No, it sounds like whispers..." Varian trails off while flinching. "There it is again!" He exclaims, "Kid, we don't hear anything." Eugene retorts while turning the other way. "Are whispers common in The Forest Of No Return?" Rapunzel asks Adira. "Not usually, it's always howls or strong winds," She replied, still trying to listen for the whispers. "Maybe you thought you heard them-" "I know what I heard." Varian emphasizes, interrupting Adira's comment.

"Is shrinking also common here?" Lance shakily says while pointing at Varian. Varian looks down and sees that he is sinking.

"It's quicksand!" Adira yelps, grabbing onto Varian's arms. The gang holds onto Adira, desperately trying to get Varian out. Adira's hands slide down onto Varian's cuffs, tearing his skin under them. "ARRGGGGHHH!" Varian cries out in pain, tears forming in his eyes.

And like a rocket, Varian flys out of the quicksand, landing head-first into a tree. "Mhrm, mmn, mhm." He said through muffled voices on the ground.

Varian sat up and rubbed his temples, his head was throbbing in pain and his hands scarred. Varian was about to tell the group where he was, until he heard a voice as clear as ever in his ear.

"Perfect," the voice said, "How fun this will be."

Varian jumped up, "Who's there?!" He called out, turning to where he heard the voice come from.

"Varian! We're over here!" Rapunzel called out from behind the bushes. "What's wrong?" She asked, he became pale and looked so very confused. "W-wait if you're th-there... then who was...?" His voice trailed off, and like before, he passed out.

"Not again!" Eugene complains as he drags Varian towards everyone else. Rapunzel bends down and starts to bandage his head and hands, which both started bleeding. "Let's just get out of here." She says while gesturing Lance to pick up Varian and continue walking.

Varian wakes up back in the caravan, his head still throbbing and his hands burning, not to mention his leg still felt terrible. He looked outside and noticed that they were out of the forest, and already heading out again on the road.

"Let the games begin..." He heard the voice say again, Varian trembled, he knew that voice...

It was the same voice of that demon in the box...

Chapter End.

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