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I sit on the couch while I wait for John to return from the bathroom. I twirl my hair while sitting on the couch. A loud sob comes from the bathroom, I perk my head up to see if I hear it again. Another sob comes but is quickly cut off.Omg hes crying really? I slowly get up and get some water from the kitchen. I lay the water on the coffee table and walk to the bathroom door." John?? John darling, is everything okay?!?" i concerningly ask putting my head to the door. I put my hand on the door and twist the knob to only find it locked. I really didn't mean to hurt his feelings. Still no response from the bathroom, all you can hear is muffled sobs from the other side of the door. I dig a bobby pin from my pocket and start to pick the lock. I successfully pick the lock and warn John before i come in. I carefully open the door to only reveal John crying into his knees. I rush over to the baby and sit on my knees in front of him. "Honey it's okay, it is normal for everyone. Don't be ashamed." I comfort while playing with his hair. " I-I -I know it's j-just that I can't hide my feelings for you!" He sobs into his hands. I lift his bright red face from his legs and cup both of his cheeks with my hands. " John you don't have to hide anything from me!" I strain, pushing away my own tears. Suddenly John pulls his face into mine, pushing my whole body on the floor without detaching our lips. I seperate and carry him to the couch and sit him down. "I know u want to be cute, but first you need to drink some water and calm down." I suggest pushing the water towards him. He picks up the water and drinks the whole glass in one go, leaving
me in pure awe. He looks at me in the eyes as if he wanted to get something off
of his chest but was Stuggling to do so. "Darling, tell me whats wrong." I say pulling him into a hug. He nuzzles his face into my neck and starts to cry, but quicly stops and wipes his eyes. He slowly starts to drift off to sleep so I pick him up and carry him to the bedroom. I lay him on the bed and notice he has to change. "Im going to have to wank after this" I think to myself while sliding his shirt off. I throw the shirt across the room and proceed to take the jeans off. I slide the jeans off and notice a small wet spot of precum on his jeans. "Someone was really excited!" I mumble. I immediately started to get hard. I slid on some pjs and layed him on the bed. I covered him up and gave him on the cheek before speed walking to the bathroom to take care of my buisness.

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