Calm Down

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  I hear Freddie knocking on the door and asking John to unlock it. I stand slightly beside the bottom of the stair case looking up at the bedroom door. Freddie is leaning against the door with his hand sitting on the door knob. "Johnnnnyyyyyyyyyyyy?!!" he strings out Johns name while rolling his eyes and looking down at me.
  "FUCKIN HELL JOHN OPEN THE DAMN DOOR!!" Freddie says before slamming the side of his body into the door.
  I slam into the door to threaten that I will bust it down. Shuffling is coming from the other side of the door before I hear John come to the door. I look down waiting for him to unlock the door fpr what feels like 3 minutes. He continues to stand there before I see his shadow from under the door leave.
  I see Brian walking up the stairs while I start to line my arm up with the dent left from earlier today. I look at Brian to let him know what I'm about to do. He nods while taking a step back. I swing my right arm into the door, causing tiny pieces of wood to fly everywhere. I unlock the door before removing arm from the door and swinging it open.
  A shoe comes flying towards me barely missing my face. I move from the doorframe as several other tiny things come flying from the door. I wait until he stops throwing stuff at me and walk into the bedroom. I hold back a smile as I walk over to my side of the bed. John is on the other side getting ready to bolt as soon as i move.
   "Are you really going to do this baby?" I question as he glares at me. No response. I act as if I was going to go around the bed. He bolts over the matress and I run back to my spot to grab him. I hold him tightly as he squirms and kicks.
  "LET ME GOOOOO!" he screams while kicking his legs. He kicks my leg causing me to go down on the ground. I tightly hold him as I go down and force myself on top of him, pinning his arms on the ground while i sat on his legs.
  I watch the two roll around on the ground for a bit before Freddie fully restraints John on the ground. 
  "Oh my god you need to CALM THE FUCK DOWN SQUIRREL BOY!!!" Freddie raises his voice while John starts squirming again. "GET OFF OF ME BITCH!!" John grunts while trying to break free.
••Time Skip••
After thirty minutes of squirming and screaming, Freddie has John on the ground breathing heavily. Freddie gets up and wipes the sweat from his head and points his finger at John.
  "You, now you are one angry squirrel." he says while putting his hands on his knees. "Are you calm?" he asks ask John begins yo get up. John looks at him and snarles before pushing past me out the door. I see him walk to the kitchen and sounds of water being poured are followed. Freddie walks to me before exiting. "Wow you really helped me Poodle!" he laughes as he pushes himself past me.
  I hear them argue for a bit while I stay and examine the door. I think we were just going to have to hire someone to install a new door.
  "No Freddie! You, made Roger leave!" I argue as I hold my cup of water while looking at him. Brian comes down stairs and comes around the corner before backing up and leaving Freddie and I alone.
  "Pshhhh, he wasnt even good!" Freddie says before sipping his water. I stand there in shock and disbelief that he actually said that."YOU BITCH!" I say before throwing my glass cup of water at him. The glass shatters on the floor and Freddie looks at the ground. He slowly raises his head before walking to the table and grabbing his keys.
  John stands in the door as Freddie gets in his car. John starts yelling before I grab him and drag him in the house while I kick the door closed.
  " okayyyy I think you need to sit down and talk to me Mr.Deacon!" I yell over his screaming. I drag him to the couch and sit him down. He immediately starts to get up, causing me to grab his arm and pull him down again. He glares at me before finally rolling his eyes and putting his hands on his lap. "FINE! What?" he says before falling back on the couch.

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