Why Did You Do It

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I raise up from an small bed. I open my eyes and look around to only see some iv's and a TV on the wall in front of me. Chairs line the wall to my left with a large window behind them.  The curtains are closed to keep out the sunlight.
   I can feel a tingling sensation in my left arm. I slowly move my head to look down and see what the feeling was being caused by.  Thick bandages wrap around my arm, leaving a red mark around the edge of the bandage from how tight it was wrapped.
    I fondle at my arm while looking up and jerking my head around while frantically looking for Freddie. My breathing dramatically increases as I don't see him anywhere in the room with me. I close my eyes to calm down the panicked breaths coming from me. I can feel myself drifting back to sleep after laying back onto the bed.
I sit in the waiting room looking at the floor while a million thoughts flood my mind. I don't know what to say to myself that would boost my energy. My brain is filled with exhaustion, confusion, anger, worry, and disbelief. A short lady sits behind a desk writing on papers and answering common phone calls every now and then. I can see her look up at me before calling my name up to the desk.
  I run to the desk hoping she would let me go see John. I hold onto the edge of the desk while she explains the medication times and what to do when he goes home. I nod without even caring about what shes saying until she hands me some papers that are stapled together. She directs me to the door leading ourside where i see John standing up against a support beam at the entrance of the hospital.

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