Keep The Secret

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  John walked down the stairs yelling for me. I had walked to the fridge to grab some water when I hear a yelp and someone hit the floor. I sit my water on the table and rush to where the yelp came from. I turn the corner going to the living room and stairs to see John laying on the floor and a man standing over him. I gasp and take a step back towards the kitchen. The man looks up at me and shoots an evil grin.
  "G-GET OUT!" I say pointing to the front door before I yelling at him again. The man shrugs and walks to the front door opening it and standing there. "GET THE FUCK OUT!" I yell taking a step towards the door, still cautious. He turns to me and pushes a finger to his lips, pushing a shush at me. I run at the door and slam it shut, pushing him outside with my force on the door. I lock the deadbolt and run over to Johns quiet body.
  "WAKE UP JOHN! John John baby!" I yell while shaking his body. Pressing my hand to his throat, checking for a pulse. His breathing is normal, he was probably knocked out. I put my face in my palms as tears of fear roll down my face.
  I pick up his passed out body and carry him bridal style up to our bedroom.
••Time Skip••
  Roger and I were scared for John. Who was the man? We all had so many questions. Freddie was a mess, rushing around the house and desperately looking for things. I had drug a chair up to the bedroom so Freddie could sit beside John. The poor lad was passed out on the bed. His smooth breathing gave off good signs that he was very much alive.
  Freddie ran through the kitchen like a madman and was going to the stairs. Tears streaming down his face while his hair bounced with his running. Roger steps in front of Freddie and pulls him into a hug. Freddie instantly begins to sob and go onto the ground, bringing Roger down with him slowly.
  "Hey, calm down buddy. Just give him some time." I whisper into his ear as we sit on the floor.  The sobs turn to silent as he stops shaking and just continues to hug me. His arms tight around me made my stomach flutter. No wonder why John loves when Freddie cuddles him.
  Brian squats down next to us and begins patting us on the back. A small cough comes from the bedroom sending Freddie into a spasm. Freddie runs upstairs before Brian can grab him.
  My body hurts as I lift my head up. I lay in my bedroom and an icepack on my stomach. I take off the cold ice, lifting my shirt to reveal a huge bruise. A gasp escapes me as I begin to look around. Fear rushes through me and I start to cry into my hands. Loud, fast, footsteps come to the door. I quickly grab the comforter and drape it over my shaking body.
  I hear the door open and the footsteps grow quiet but still come closer.
  "John? Baby it's me." A soft and familiar voice calls out. It was Freddie. I uncover myself slowly and see Freddie standing next to the bed. I crawl over to him and hug his waist. the pain shoots through my entire body, causing me to moan.
  ••Time Skip••
  I hold Johnon my lap as be hugs me tightly. Brian and Roger said their hellos before leaving us alone. "He He hurt m-me." John whispers while pulling his face to look at mine. I play with his long brown hair as he begins to shake.
  "It will not happen again I promise." I choke out. It hurt me to see him in so much pain and fear.
  "Who was he?" I ask while I stop rocking John back and fourth. He looks at me for a bit before playing with the buttons on his shirt.
  "The bad man.... I can't tell you. He will hurt you if you know." He mumbles before grabbing my hands. I nod in response and rub my thumb over his knuckles.
  I raise his shirt up to take a closer look at the bruise. Small whimpers fall from John as he looks up from the bruise.
"Who do think would do this?" I ask as I close the closet door, throwing my shirt on the bed. " Baby, I have no fucking clue, But, I will hurt them once I find out!" Brian says laying his magazine down on the bed next to him. He was laying up against two pillows while reading what looked like a space magazine. Classic Brian. I take my shirt off and go over to Brian. Dropping the shirt on the floor and Picking up some headache medicine from the bedside table. Brian's eyes follow me as I take two pills, popping them in my mouth.
  "The headaches back?" He asks while bringing his legs over the side of the bed.
  Freddie and I were talking while sitting on the couch when four loud knocks come from the front door. Freddie gets up and mumbles to himself as he walks to the door. He stops at the door and looks throught the window installed on the door.
  "John... Go upstairs and hide." I call in a monotone voice trying to keep my calm. He pushes the blanket off of him and runs up the stairs. I wait until I hear the bedroom door slam to unlock the door. As soon as I turn the lock, a strong force tries to push open the door. I push my back to the door and hear shouting from outside.
  I decide to let the door go suddenly, resulting in the man to stumble forward. I step toward the man and throw a hard punch to the jaw of the man. He stumbles back outside the door slightly and I lock the door again.
£The Bad Man POV£
  I stumble back and put my han over my jaw. I begin to run back at the door when it closes in front of me. The
sound of locks being turned can be heard from outside.
  "Oh Freddie you can try to protect the weak boy, But I will get him. I guess I'll have to get you too." I call out before walking back out to the road.

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