Chapter 22

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I bet y'all missed August POV huh? Well this is still gonna be in Nicki' s POV for a minute.

The story is almost ending y'all just fifteen more chapters til the end of Fire Burns. I'ma try to finish it all soon.

Nicki Minaj POV

I leave the stage to go back stage when I see August standin' there wit' a smile. I run up to him and give him the tightest hug ever when he pats my back. We break apart when I see his big ass smile on his face - I love

it. Steppin' back from August to see him doin' the same and then I start wonderin'. I start wonderin' where the fuck is Bianca at? Bruh she should be here.

Unless somethin' happened between 'em or nah I dunno why she ain't here. Y'know, keepin' her man on lockdown - keepin' his ass on watch tho'. She let him travel here on his own tho' what a surprise tho' like fo' real.

No lie but I am lookin' out fo' her tho' 'cause I don't want no surprises comin'.

"August?!" I say in surprise.

"How are you here? Like - like..." He cuts me off.

"I wanted to surprise you Nick, y'know return the favor. " August said.

"Oh August what I did was outta love. You ain't have to come out here fo' me." I said.

"And, I am doin' this outta love. Since I couldn't perform I at least wanna see my girl, my friend, kill it tonight." August said.

"And, that you did!" August smile.

"The usual. Don't act like you don't know." I said.

"You wanna get outta here Nick?" August said suddenly yet eagerly.

I throw my head back in shock but tryna keep it towther. "Oh... Um... Huh? What?" I stammer.

"I mean go out to just chill." August said, shruggin'.

"What do you say?" August asks me.

I basically just nod my head agreein' wit' him since all we finna do is just chill.

"Ion," I shrug and prance 'round.

"You think yo' girl want you to? By the way where is she?" I ask.

"One she don't control me Nicki and two she at home. She ain't wanna come out here. She just been actin' funny lately. " August said.

"Ooh," I say cooly.

"Yeah, let's go!" August said and I leave wit' him.

August Alsina POV

Lately Bianca been spazzin' bein' all moody and shit and I wanna get away from that. I ain't bein' a triflin' nigga 'cause she ain't wanna come tho'. Maybe I shoulda stayed wit' her and miss out onna fun to take care of her. When I put it that way I sound wrong as fuck but I mean I'll be back soon. But, ion why, but I feel like I'm in deep shit the minute I step foot inna door.

Ion much 'bout Vegas but why not get turnt up here inna most craziest place to be. I been havin' thoughts 'bout Nicki, 'bout Bianca, and I just needa clear my head. And Nicki prolly the wrong person, maybe not tho'.

But, I needa female perspective not one from a nigga.

"When you think you finna be back on tour again?" Nicki asks me.

"Tomorrow hopefully." I start laughin'.

"Nigga, you must have hit yo' head hard as fuck if you think you gon' back out there tomorrow." Nicki spazz.

"You takin' a break nigga. You crazy as hell." Nicki start laughin', takin' a sip of her drink. I can tell that she gettin' there - well already faded - just by lookin' at her.

"Maybe but I ain't tryna stop." I said.

"You think people finna let you go? Boy people love you." Nicki said.

"What if that love stops? Then what happens? " I ask Nicki.

Nicki grabs my hand and start shakin' it up and down and I look at her. I put my drink down to hold both our hands and look at the side of her face. She lookin' at the ground, not tryna me, but then she sigh and do.

"If you love someone it'll never stop." Nicki said.

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